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Logo. Feature: HedgiePT/Pt:Ferrovias
One example for Feature: HedgiePT/Pt:Ferrovias
Qualquer meio de transporte sobre carris de ferro, incluindo comboios, metros, elétricos, monocarris, linhas históricas, funiculares e mais


Há uma quantidade considerável de informações sobre ferrovias, incluindo comboios (trens), metros, elétricos (bondes), monocarris, linhas históricas, funiculares e mais no OpenStreetMap, assim como detalhes sobre estações de comboios, vias de resguardo e terminais de mercadorias.

Há também uma página com um esquema de etiquetas mais complexo, o OpenRailwayMap (ORM). Se tiver pouca experiência a mapear ferrovias no OSM, esta página é um bom sítio para começar. Poderá querer saber se existem convenções específicas na sua área (veja below). Depois, aprender sobre o ORM pode oferecer etiquetas mais ricas e mapas mais detalhados. Para além disso, podem haver etiquetas que descrevam conceitos específicos do seu país.

Tipos de linhas ferroviárias

As linhas de caminho de ferro devem ser mapeadas de acordo com o seu uso primário. Quando a linha tem mais do que um uso (tais como serviço de passageiros, de mercadorias ou industrial), deve-se usar o serviço mais importante: geralmente o serviço mais longo ou com mais uso.

As linhas presumem-se como sendo destinadas primariamente a passageiros, exceto quando etiquetadas com railway:traffic_mode=freight, para linhas exclusivamente de mercadorias, ou usage=industrial (minas, fábricas, depósitos de madeira). Use a etiqueta usage=military para linhas usadas apenas pelas forças armadas, e usage=tourism para linhas históricas usadas apenas como atrações turísticas ou ligadas a museus.

A chave electrified=*, em conjunto com frequency=* e voltage=*, podem ser usadas para descrever os detalhes de eletrificação da via. Use electrified=no se a linha não estiver eletrificada, electrified=contact_line se receber alimentação por um fio aéreo e electrified=rail se for alimentada por um terceiro (ou quarto) carril. Para abreviar, as vias paralelas que sejam usadas para ceder passagem a outros comboios ou como estacionamento breve levam a etiqueta service=siding; as vias de um local usadas para manutenção de comboios ou de estacionamento prolongado têm a etiqueta service=yard; e para pequenos ramais com destino em complexos industriais ou militares, utilize service=spur. Adicione railway=level_crossing num nó onde a estrada se cruze com um caminho de ferro no mesmo nível e railway=crossing num nó onde peões possam atravessar. A etiqueta railway=turntable é usada para rotundas ferroviárias. A bitola é especificada usando gauge=*, onde deve constar a largura nominal da via em milímetros (1435 para a bitola padrão, 1668 para a bitola ibérica). Pára-choques são mapeados com railway=buffer_stop num nó.

When modeling multi-track parallel railway lines in close proximity they can either be modeled as a single way with tracks=*, or as a number of parallel ways (preferred). If individual tracks have different tagging requirements (max-speed, electrification, gauge, etc.) then the tracks should be modelled appropriately with multiple ways, not tracks=*. If used, the tracks=* tag should be used to record the number of tracks with a default value of 1 being assumed where this is not supplied.

Where a line goes over a bridge, the relevant segment should be tagged with either bridge=yes for shorter bridges or bridge=viaduct for long bridges and layer=1 or other value as appropriate. Where a line goes through a tunnel it should be tagged with tunnel=yes often at layer=-1. Where tracks are on ground raised for the purpose use embankment=yes and when in a cutting use cutting=yes. If necessary split the way at the point where the bridge, tunnel, viaduct, embankment or cutting starts and ends. Track tagged embankment and cutting do not normally need a layer tag.

Features (railway lines, footways,..) in railway stations that are tied to particular levels can be tagged with level=* in addition to layer=*.

Where a line has a recognised name this can be included in name=*. Sometimes this is entered as the name of the operator=* or owner=*, but if they are known, please use these tags, reserving name=* for the actual name of the line.

Tag Description
Mainline railway=rail - Full-sized passenger or freight trains in the standard gauge for the country or state. See also Key:usage to properly distinguish between, for example, usage=main, usage=branch and usage=industrial. (Also, usage=tourism and usage=military).
Subway railway=subway - A large city- to suburban-scale passenger rail service running mostly grade separated (see Wikipedia:rapid transit), often fully and at least partially underground. Overlaps somewhat with "metro" (passenger rail) and/or "rapid transit."
Light rail railway=light_rail - A higher-standard tram system, normally in its own right-of-way with dedicated signalling, but may share roads with cars ("street running"), especially in dense, urban/downtown areas.
Tram railway=tram - Trolley rail systems with one/two carriage, usually four-wheeled vehicles, often street running.
Narrow-gauge railway=narrow_gauge - Narrow-gauge passenger or freight trains, often tourist/scenic routes. In some regions narrow gauge railways are used for full sized passenger or freight trains service. See the Rhätische Bahn (RhB) and Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB) in Switzerland as examples for such full featered narrow gauge railways. Use gauge=* to specify in millimeters how small narrow is for this railway.
Monorail railway=monorail - A railway with only a single rail, often inner city and above street level. Also used for monorail-like automated people-mover systems like Miami's Metromover.
Preserved railway:preserved=yes + railway=* (discouraged or deprecated is railway=preserved) - A railway running historic (or "heritage") trains, usually a tourist attraction or as part of a (rail) museum.
Miniature railway=miniature - Smaller trains, often at a precise scale of "regular-sized" rail (such as "1/4 scale"), normally operated as a tourist attraction.
Funicular railway=funicular - Cable driven inclined railways.


Railway ways are commonly members of two types of route relations:

  1. railway route - a sequence of interconnected, usually contiguous railway ways, often between two major junctions, sometimes including minor branches.
  2. train route - a route of a train in regular service, including railway ways/routes traveled and stations served.

Stations and stops

Main article: Railway stations

Please see the main article about station tagging as it is beyond the scope of this guide.


Features in OpenStreetMap may be in a number of states - from planned to abandoned. For railways it is common to use combinations such as railway=disused + disused:railway=rail/light_rail/subway/tram to indicate that the railway is disused and which kind of railway it was. For other railway related features such as railway=station it is suggested (OpenRailwayMap/Tagging#Stations / Stops) to use just the lifecycle prefix such as disused:railway=station.

  • Proposed - For features that have a strong likelihood of being constructed. For a proposed railway line, tag railway=proposed and proposed=* where * is the type of railway being proposed (rail, subway, light_rail etc). An aspiration on the part of an advocacy group which is not approved or from an authority which is not funded should not be added.
  • Construction - features that are in the process of being constructed with actual work on the ground. For a railway line under construction, tag railway=construction and construction=* where * is the type of railway being constructed (rail, subway, light_rail etc). Often this will be a feature that has previously been 'proposed.'
  • Operation - the normal state of most features. No additional tagging needed and any construction tags should be removed. If known, consider adding start_date=*.
  • Preserved - a former mainline railway which is now operated as a tourist attraction, "heritage line" or as part of a (rail) museum. Use railway:preserved=yes + railway=*.
  • Disused - the feature is disused, though still in working order, or could be brought back to working order easily. May be overgrown with vegetation or show other evidence of minor lack of maintenance. Use railway=disused.
  • Abandoned - The track has been removed and the right-of-way may have been reused or left to decay but is still clearly visible, either from the replacement infrastructure, or from a line of trees around an original cutting or embankment. Use railway=abandoned. Where an abandoned rail right-of-way is being re-purposed as a bicycle path (e.g. "Rails to Trails"), add highway=cycleway. If known, add end_date=* or more specifically railway:end_date=* of when the abandonment happened.
  • Obliterated (or dismantled/razed) - Some people use railway=dismantled or railway=razed where all evidence of the line has been removed, others prefer such lines not to be included at all. These tags are used where the alignment has been replaced by new buildings, by roads which don't refer to the old alignment or where the alignment now crosses open land. General opinion is that in cases where all evidence was removed, the object should no longer be mapped, but railways tend to leave long-lasting traces. See demolished railway for more info.


This section provides details of experimental tagging methods that have not yet been adopted and may not be supported by all rendering or tools.

Tag life-cycle

Some users are adding a lifecycle prefix such as 'proposed:', 'construction:', 'disused:' and 'abandoned:' to tags to indicate changes to the tag values over time.

Note that recording of historic data in OSM is dubious, consider mapping of history in OHM - a separate project.


  • An un-electrified line which it is being converted into an electrified line at 25KV at 50Hz using an overhead line might be tagged with:
  • A freight-only line, not currently with any passenger operation:
  • A former railway which was abandoned in 1965 and opened as a path ("railtrail") in 2003:

More complicated changes over time can be recorded using the date namespace suffix:



OpenRailwayMap (ORM) is a dedicated map for railways, displaying rail infrastructure as an overlay. Released in mid-2013, the project is available in numerous languages.


OpenPublicTransportMap (OPTM) displays passenger rail in route=train relations. At closer zooms, OPTM also displays route=light_rail, route=subway, route=tram, route=monorail, route=funicular, route=bus, route=trolleybus, route=aerialway and route=ferry with colors similar to ORM.

Thanks to Indy Hurt, here (was) another rail renderer which display(ed) rail-based passenger routes with their colour=* or color=* tag. Unfortunately, this is no longer functional, it is mentioned here as it was found useful by many, especially for visualizing international/national/regional/suburban differences of Amtrak™ routes in the USA.


A renderer similar to OPTM is öpnvkarte, displaying "worldwide public transport facilities on a uniform map." In addition to Train, Light rail, Tram, Subway, Ferry, Trolleybus and Bus routes, it includes Airports, Bus stops, Taxi ranks, Car rental and Bicycle rental nodes.

Transport Layer

Please compare and contrast ORM (rail infrastructure) and OPTM (passenger rail, bus and ferry routes) with OSM's Transport layer which rather simply displays "any and all rail" (railway=*, excluding railway=disused and railway=abandoned) and at closer zooms, route=bus.

OSM Carto (Standard)

Besides the basic railway=rail line style of alternating grey-solid/grey-hollow, OSM Carto renders railway=construction and railway=disused with a dotted line. service=spur, service=siding, and service=yard show as thinner forms of the railway=rail and railway=tram line styles. railway=abandoned is not rendered.[1]

Rendering of railway=tram and some other more exotic railway types is also supported.

Railway systems by country


While this Railways wiki explains railway tagging at a high level and in an international, generic manner, there are country-specific railway tagging schemes, which diverge somewhat from conventions noted above. If you are new to railway mapping, get to know what's on this page as a good start, as it is straightforward and works well in much of the world. When comfortable with the tagging outlined here, and where a continent / country / region is listed below, please click on the link to read about tagging differences, remembering to only apply these (usually minor) differences in the appropriate geographical area. There may be more countries / regions with specific railway tagging which have not yet had wiki created nor linked here: try a Wiki search (upper right) with both "rail" and "your country" as search elements.


North America

  • United States Note that in the United States, because of US English, "railroad" is frequently used across many contexts (not simply OSM) in preference to "railway" (which is more British English).

South America

