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The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל), Western Asia

latitude: 31.417, longitude: 35.079
Browse map of The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל) 31°25′01.20″ N, 35°04′44.40″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality
The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל) is a country in Western Asia at latitude 31°25′01.20″ North, longitude 35°04′44.40″ East.
Flag of The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל) The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל) Mapping Project,
the home of The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל) on the OpenStreetMap wiki.
Hello! Welcome to the project for mapping efforts in The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל)!
You can find here national events, ongoing projects, map status and mapping guidelines, as well as links to other pages directly related to the mapping of The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל).
You may also find a list of contacts and mappers involved with the OpenStreetMap community in The State of Israel (دولة إسرائيل, מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל).

This page contains information relating to mapping activity that is specific to Israel. Any guides or conventions on this page should be discussed in the forum, feel free to comment or help (mapping your area, tagging streets or correcting this page).

Discussion and communication

Community Forum

The Israel users forum is the main communication method. English only. Sign in with your OpenStreetMap DB account.

OSM Discussions

Mailing list

Talk-il is a mailing list for discussions about mapping Israel, and for easy communication between mappers from Israel. English & Hebrew are allowed. The list is not as active as the forum, but it may still be useful especially for those who do not have an OSM account.

Talk page

The talk page can be used for communication, but the forum is more active.


The telegram group is great for quick questions. The daily conversations are usually in Hebrew, yet English is more than welcome.

Conventions and guidelines

This section covers conventions and guidelines. Note that there are also additional guidelines for hiking and biking trails in the next section.


  • name=* and name:=* tags:
    1. The name=* tag should be used as the primary name, given in the language most common in the area. The name=* tag contains the name only in that common language.
    2. Additionally, the name should be stated using name:=* tags:
      1. A name:=* tag in the same language as the name=* tag.
      2. name:=* tags stating the name in other languages.
        • Use name:he=* for Hebrew
        • Use name:en=* for English (prefer the exact spelling as it is on the street sign)
        • Use name:ar=* for Arabic
        • Use name:ru=* for Russian
        • Use name:am=* for Amharic
    For example, the city of relation Tel Aviv-Yafo has its main name as name=תל אביב-יפו and name:he=תל אביב-יפו in Hebrew, as well as name:en=Tel Aviv-Yafo, name:ar=تل أبيب-يافا and several other languages. The run of a bot will copy the name value from name=* to name:he=* or name:ar=*.
  • Add the full name written on the sign without including "rehov", "street", etc.
  • Do not use abbreviations, leave that for rendering.
  • Many streets in Arab or Druze villages do not have an official name. If there's a de-facto name, use it. Otherwise leave it blank. Do not make up a name yourself. Note that bus-stop names do not necessarily reflect the street name in such areas.

Inter-city roads

  • First rule for numbered roads: The category is determined by the color of the sign, not by the number of digits!
  • Different sections with the same road number can have different categories.
  • Speed limits stated below are the defaults by law, though can be altered in a specific road section by a "special speed limit" sign.
Key Value Element Description Color Example sign Default speed limit Key:ref tag on way Remark
highway motorway way All freeways - National and Inter-City roads Blue ISR-FW-6.svg ISR-FW-20.svg ISR-FW-431.svg 110 km/h mandatory for all highway=motorway Usually a single-digit road number (e.g. road 2) or a double-digit road number (e.g. road 20). Mapnik color: Blue.

Motorways mostly have an Dálnice sign at the entrances, but not necessarily.

highway trunk way National roads Red ISR-HW-3.svg ISR-HW-10.svg 100 km/h mandatory for all highway=trunk (including roundabout) Expressways / trunk in Israel can look very much like a freeway. Many of them have double-digit road number (e.g. road 10). Mapnik color: Green
highway primary way All regional roads Green ISR-HW-293.svg ISR-HW-864.svg 90 km/h mandatory for all highway=primary (including roundabout) Many of them have triple-digit road number (e.g. road 412). Mapnik color: Red
highway secondary way All regional roads Black ISR-HW-3631.svg 80 km/h only if exist Many of them have quadruple-digit road number (e.g. road 4111) and priority over other crossing roads (i.e. crossing drivers encounter a stop sign).

Exception for the priority rule: unnumbered roads that are important for routing connections may have crossing priority over secondary roads. Mapnik color: Orange

highway tertiary way important (connection-) roads not numbered and without a colored sign no sign 80 km/h no Priority over other crossing roads (crossing drivers encounter a stop sign). Main roads inside cities are tertiary. Mapnik color: Yellow

Other road types

Also see next section for trails conventions.

Key Value Element Description Implied access
highway unclassified wayarea Smaller paved roads in non-residential places. e.g. agricultural roads, forest roads, roads from behind one village to behind another village, etc. motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=yes
highway residential way Roads in residential places (city, town, village, etc.) motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=yes
highway service wayarea Short access roads: roads in parking lots, fuel stations, inside universities, inside factories, etc. motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=yes
highway track way Unpaved road suitable for motor vehicles (Double). motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=yes
highway path way A pathway too narrow for vehicles, accessible by foot, bicycle, and horse. Usually Unpaved.
Add bicycle=designated where the path is part of a bicycle trail.
Add foot=designated if the path is to be shared by bikers and hikers.
motor_vehicle=no, bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes
highway footway way Mainly, or exclusively for pedestrians. Add bicycle=yes or change to highway=path if bicycles are also allowed. motor_vehicle=no, bicycle=no, foot=designated
highway cycleway way Exclusively for bicycles. Usually paved. motor_vehicle=no, bicycle=designated, foot=no
highway pedestrian wayarea Where people walk and there are many shops. Like "Midrahov", or "Passage", etc. motor_vehicle=no, bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes
highway living_street way "רחוב הולנדי" - Residential road where there is no sidewalk or other separation between pedestrians and vehicles. motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes
highway road way Temporary tagging, if the type is unknown. Try to add a "note" tag. motor_vehicle=yes bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes
bridge yes way A bridge. Useful with layer=*
tunnel yes wayrelation A tunnel. Useful with layer=*

Please see He:Map Features, this forum thread, and default access restrictions


Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
railway rail way Full sized passenger or freight trains in the standard gauge for the country or state. For a tunnel add tunnel=yes. TBA TBA
railway station node area Railway passenger and/or cargo station. Use in addition to public_transport=station. TBA TBA
aeroway runway way area Runway of an airfield TBA TBA
aerialway cable_car way Cablecar or Tramway. Just one or two large cars. The traction cable forms a loop, but the cars do not loop around, they just move up and down on their own side, rolling along static cables over which they are suspended. See also: aerialway=chair_lift. TBA TBA

Points of interest

Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
tourism viewpoint node area A place worth visiting, often high, with a good view of surrounding countryside or notable buildings. Viewpoint-16.svg TBA
ele Number node area Elevation (also known as altitude or height) above mean sea level in metre, based on the EGM96 geoid. Note that this elevation is different than the WGS84 height, as reported by some GPS receivers. (See ele for more information.) TBA TBA
historic ruins node area Remains of structures that were once complete, but have fallen into partial or complete disrepair. If the type of original structure is known or apparent it can be described using ruins=*, e.g. ruins=castle. TBA TBA
historic archaeological_site node area A place in which evidence of past activity is preserved TBA TBA
natural cave_entrance node area An entrance to a cave TBA TBA
natural tree node A single tree TBA TBA
amenity place_of_worship node area Synagogue. Use religion=jewish Jewish-16.svg TBA
amenity place_of_worship node area Church. Use religion=christian Christian-16.svg TBA
amenity place_of_worship node area Mosque. Use religion=muslim Muslim-16.svg TBA
amenity place_of_worship node area Holy place. Use religion=bahai TBA TBA
historic memorial node area Much like a monument, but smaller. Might range from a WWII memorial to a simple plate on a wall. TBA TBA
historic monument node area A memorial object, wich is especially large (one can go inside, walk on or through it) or high enough, built to remember, show respect to a person or group of people or to commemorate an event. TBA TBA
power line way A way following the path of (overground) power cables. TBA TBA
leisure park area A park, usually municipal. TBA TBA


Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
barrier gate node way A section in a wall or fence which can be opened to allow access. Closed gate: access=private. For a vehicles barrier set: bicycle=yes, foot=yes, motor_vehicle=no. TBA TBA
barrier cattle_grid node A hole in the road surface covered in a series of bars that allow pedestrians and wheeled vehicles but not animals to cross. TBA TBA
barrier hampshire_gate node A section of wire fence which can be removed temporarily.

Hampshire gates are quite common in Israel on both hiking trails and general-use unpaved tracks in non-urban areas.

barrier stile node A stile allows pedestrians to cross "over" or "through" a wall or fence, but never actually "opens" the barrier.

In Israel, the most common type of stile seen on hiking paths is a narrow passage between metal rods/tubes, triangular in plan (like this: ———<———; an example can be seen here or here). This kind of stile should be mapped with stile=squeezer and material=metal.

Another common type looks like a small rounded "bridge" (example); these should be mapped with stile=stepover and material=metal.

barrier fence way A freestanding structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary, generally distinguished from a wall by the lightness of its construction. TBA TBA
barrier wall way area A freestanding structure, designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary, typically made from solid brick, concrete or rocks, and almost always built so that it is opaque to vision. TBA TBA
natural cliff node way A vertical or almost vertical natural drop in terrain, usually with a bare rock surface TBA TBA

Borders and special areas

Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
boundary protected_area node area relation used to mark boundaries of protected areas including national parks, marine protection areas, heritage sites, wilderness, indigenous and other, similar areas. For national parks: boundary=national_park. TBA TBA
landuse military node area For land areas owned/used by the military for whatever purpose TBA TBA
way (Area A) way Elements of Area A are members of relation 3791783 TBA TBA
way (Area B) way Elements of Area B are members of relation 3791784 TBA TBA
boundary administrative way area relation An administrative boundary. Subdivisions of areas/territories/jurisdictions recognized by governments or other organisations for administrative purposes. TBA TBA


Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
tourism picnic_site node area A locality that is pleasant and suitable for outdoors eating, with a number of facilities to aid a picnic. Table-16.svg TBA
tourism camp_site node area An area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. Camping.16.svg TBA
amenity drinking_water node Drinking water is a place where humans can obtain potable water for consumption. Typically, the water is used for only drinking. TBA TBA
amenity parking node area Car park. Nodes and areas (without access tag) will get a parking symbol. Areas will be coloured. Streets on car parking are often tagged highway=service and service=parking_aisle. TBA TBA
amenity fuel node area Petrol station; gas station. TBA TBA
information guidepost node Guideposts are often found along official hiking/cycling/skiing routes to indicate the directions to different destinations. Additionally they are often named after a region or place and shows the altitude. tourism=information is also required. TBA TBA


Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
landuse residential node area Predominantly houses or apartment buildings. Rendering-area-landuse-residential.png TBA
landuse orchard node area intentional planting of trees or shrubs maintained for food production TBA TBA
landuse farmland area An area of farmland used for tillage and pasture (animals, crops, vegetables, flowers, fruit growing). TBA TBA
landuse forest node area Managed forest or woodland plantation. TBA TBA
דשא node area TBA TBA
צמחית בר node area TBA TBA
natural sand area An area covered by sand with no or very little vegetation. TBA TBA
landuse quarry node area Surface mineral extraction. Rendering-landuse-quarry-mapnik.png TBA


Key Value Element Description Hiking map rendering Cycling map rendering
waterway stream way relation A naturally-forming waterway that is too narrow to be classed as a river. For an intermittent stream add intermittent=yes. TBA TBA
landuse reservoir node area There was considerable confusion whether landuse=reservoir is deprecated, but it turned out to be not deprecated and landuse=reservoir is used much wider than "new" way natural=water + water=reservoir. It may be a good idea to tag the actual water body with natural=water + water=reservoir in addition or instead of landuse=reservoir. See also the approved water details proposal and pointers to discussion on talk page. For an intermittent reservoir add intermittent=yes. TBA TBA
שטח הצפה יבש TBA TBA
natural waterhole node A depression in which water collects, especially one where wild animals come to drink. TBA TBA
man_made water_well node A structural facility to access ground water. TBA TBA
man_made cistern node A waterproof receptacle for holding liquids, usually water. Cisterns are often built to catch and store rainwater. Cisterns are distinguished from wells by their waterproof linings. TBA TBA
man_made water_tower node area Water tower TBA TBA


A place should have a node and a polygon.

The node tells the renderer where to draw the name of the place. It also should have all the tags related to the place, like population, wikipedia, etc. It should have all the various names with different spelling, e.g. name, name:en, name* and name:* tags.

The polygon should only have the following tags:

  • landuse=residential
  • place=*
  • name tags

All the other tags belong to the node. A place often has a related administrative boundary, too.

For neighborhoods a polygon isn't always used and a node can be sufficient.

Administrative boundaries

The boundary=administrative tag is used on ways or relations to separate districts, cities, etc. Below is Israel-specific rules for the admin_level of the boundary.


Thanks to the MOIN Import. We are able to map townhalls, local municipalities, and regional municipalities.

A municipality should have a relation with one node with role admin_centre, and one or more ways, to form closed polygon(s).

The relation should have the following tags:

The nodeadmin_centre node should be a place node, or an amenity=townhall node in the case of a regional council.

The ways that comprise the polygon that are sourced from the MOIN import should have the following tags:

  • admin_level=8
  • boundary=administrative
  • date=08/2010
  • source=MOIN

Nature reserves

Nature Reserves should be tagged as follows:

Because Nature Reserves are governed by Israeli law,

  • Do not map Nature Reserves that have not completed the official declaration process.
  • Do not use leisure=nature_reserve as it is incompatible with the meaning and legal implications in Israel.

National parks

National Parks should be tagged as follows:

Because National Parks are governed by Israeli law,

  • Do not map National Parks that have not completed the official declaration process.
  • Do not use leisure=* as it is incompatible with the meaning and legal implications in Israel.

Conventions for hiking and biking trails

For some general info see Walking Routes and cycle routes. Specific information about Israel can be found on Wikipedia and here (both in Hebrew).

A trail is represented by one or several ways way, all belonging to the trail's relation relation. Generally speaking, the ways of a trail describe its geographical path and physical grade, while the trail relation holds its administrative information. Trails should be mapped according the following guidelines:

way Ways belonging to a trail

  • Add a colour=* tag to ways belonging to local and regional trails. Note that the spelling is "colour" and not "color"!
    • When a trail has different Israel Trails Committee (ITC) and JNF (KKL) colors, use only the ITC color.
    • When a way belongs to local and regional trails, use the color of the local trail.
    • When a way belongs to two local ITC trails, use multi-value tagging with a semicolon, such as colour=red;green.
    • When a way has a transparent shield would be tagged with colour=transparent.
  • Try to add a source=* tag to ways belonging to the trail. Common tag values are source=GPS and source=Bing. The source tag is an indicator of the accuracy of the trail position. GPS-based mapping is preferred and it can replace Bing-based mapping.
  • For highway=track ways please try to add a tracktype=* tag, indicating which kinds of vehicles can use the track:
Key Value Description
tracktype grade1 High quality unpaved road. Usable, for example, by low-clearance cars - דרך עפר באיכות גבוהה
tracktype grade2 All vehicle unpaved road - דרך עפר לכל כלי רכב
tracktype grade3 All-wheel-drive unpaved road - "דרך עפר לרכב שטח "רך
tracktype grade4 Unpaved road requiring high clearance and/or low gear - (דרך עפר לרכב שטח "קשוח" (מוגבה ו/או עם הילוך כח
tracktype grade5 Unpaved road requiring a locking differential and high clearance - "דרך עפר לרכב שטח "נעול

relation Trail relations

Every marked trail should be represented by a relation relation and tagged according to the guidelines below. The ways way belonging to the trail are the members of the relation.

Key Value Explanation
type=* route Mandatory. The relation represents a route.
route=* hiking / bicycle / mtb (mountainbike) Mandatory. The trail kind of the route.
network=* nwn / rwn / lwn / ncn / rcn / lcn Mandatory. Level of the trail.
  • nwn: National Walking Network - Shvil Israel (Israel National Trail - שביל ישראל) only
  • rwn: Regional Walking Network - Special named (Golan, Jesus, Emek Ha'Ma'ayanot, Sovev Kineret, Jerusalem, etc.) and unnamed long "regional" (purple and orange) routes
  • lwn: Local Walking Network - All other walking routes
  • ncn: National Cycling Network - Israel Bike Trail (שביל ישראל לאופניים) only
  • rcn: Regional Cycling Network - Such as TLV-JM (מים לי-ם)
  • lcn: Local Cycling Network - All other bicycle routes(e.g. Ness Ziona Scenic, Canada Park Black)
operator=* itc/kkl/rtg/user-defined Mandatory. The authority that built and maintains the route.
  • itc - Israel Trails Committee (הועדה לשבילי ישראל). Most of the hiking trails are of this type.
  • kkl - Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (הקרן הקיימת לישראל).
  • rtg - Rashut HaTeva VeHaGanim (רשות הטבע והגנים).
  • Other authorities, such as municipalities, by name.
osmc:symbol=* The shield of the route, used for rendering. Mandatory for ITC trails. Machine readable value for the route's colors and how the marking (shield) should look like.
Shield osmc:symbol Shield osmc:symbol
שחור.PNG black:white:black_stripe INT mark.png blue:white:blue_stripe:orange_stripe_left
אדום.PNG red:white:red_stripe סגול.PNG purple:white:purple_stripe
כחול.PNG blue:white:blue_stripe Jesus Trail Mark.png orange:white:orange_stripe
Israel Green Trail Mark.PNG green:white:green_stripe Golan Trail Mark.png blue:white:blue_stripe:green_stripe_left
שקוף.PNG blank:white Jerusalem Trail Mark.png yellow:blue:yellow_stripe

For the single-colored routes, the value should follow this example: red:white:red_stripe, which means: red colored way is drawn with white background and a red vertical stripe. In particular, the foreground color and the stripe color should be equal to the "colour" tag of every way in the trail ("red" in the above example). The shield background color should always be "white".

A transparent shield would be tagged with osmc:symbol=blank:white.

Tags for three-colored trail marks, such as Israel Trail and Golan Trail, should follow this example: blue:white:blue_stripe:orange_stripe_left, which means: blue colored way, white background shield, a blue vertical stripe in the middle, and an orange vertical stripe on the left.

name=* a name Highly recommended. The route is known by this name (e.g. "Shvil Israel", "Golan Trail"). The name should be preferably specified in Hebrew.
name:en=* a name Optional. The English route name.
name:he=* a name Optional. Identical to the name attribute above.
ref=* a reference Optional. The route number as specified by the Israel Trail Committee.

See also

The original discussions can be seen here and also here.

Names of unofficial MTB single-tracks

Official mountain-bike (MTB) trails are represented using relations, as described above. In addition there are many unofficial single-tracks that have been named by the MTB community. Such single-tracks do not have relations. Instead, the mtb:name=* mtb:name:he=*, and mtb:name:en=* (optional) are placed on the way(s) themselves.

The mtb:name=* tags can also capture the name of a special segment within an official MTB trail. For example, the "סינגל הכלניות" segment of Beeri Single.

Lists and features of interest

Major boundaries

Country boundaries


Note: [1] are legal, administrative boundaries. In OSM, Judea and Samaria relation represents areas under Israeli civilian control, but without being annexed by Israel.

Palestine related

  • Oslo Accords areas:
    • Area A and B and C relation 13283819
    • Area A relation 3791783 - Exclusive Palestinian Authority control.
    • Area B relation 3791784 - Palestinian Authority civil control, Israeli military control.
    • Area C relation 3791785 - Exclusive Israeli control.
  • Palestine relation 1703814 - A relation consisting of Gaza Strip and areas of West Bank that are under civilian control of the Palestinian Authority.
  • 1949 Armistice Line (הקו הירוק - The Green Line) relation 7304999 - Do not exclusively rely on this for travel / passport related activities.
  • Separation wall relation 1410327 - Physical separation barrier.

Non-boundary features

  • Israel & Palestine relation 6195356

This multipolygon has no boundary-related tags. It is used for map maintenance purposes to define the combined areas of Israel and Palestine, regardless of any disputes between them. Among other things, it is useful for various extracts (such as Geofabrik), and Overpass queries. This polygon does not show on the map. Please avoid modifying it for any political agenda.


Wikipedia has up to date lists for Local Councils, Regional Councils, Municipalites (cities), sub-districts, and Districts. has lists of all populated places. (Last update 31/12/2015)

Here is a list of all OSM places in Israel in Hebrew and English. (Last update 2011 - discuss)

Here is a list of all OSM municipalities (cities) in Israel in Hebrew and English. (Last update 2011 - discuss)


List of all trails (Last update 2011 - discuss)

National and regional trails

Trail Relation Trail mark
Israel National Trail relation 282071 stripe left.svg
Israel Bike Trail relation 6639060 שביל ישראל לאופניים.jpg
Golan Trail relation 568661 stripe left.svg
Upper Galilee Trail relation 2193374 Trail-marking-white.purple stripe.svg
Sea to Sea Trail relation 2860967
Jesus Trail relation 364191 stripe.svg
Sovev Kineret Trail relation 5145441 Trail-marking-white.purple stripe.svg
Lower Galilee Trail relation 3929958 Trail-marking-white.purple stripe.svg
Haifa Wadis Trail relation 3734116
Ramat Menashe Trail relation 3418441 stripe.svg
Jerusalem Trail relation 1314299 Trail-marking-blue.yellow stripe.svg
TLV JM Bike Route relation 947776 dot.svg
Har HaNegev Trail relation 6148872 Trail-marking-white.purple stripe.svg
Makhtesh Ramon Trail relation 6148296 Trail-marking-white.purple stripe.svg

Tel Aviv bicycle rentals

Tel Aviv Bicycle Rentals (Last update 2011 - discuss)


List of Forests in Israel (Last update 2011 - discuss)

Train and bus routes

Public transport lines should be mapped using the Public Transport Version 2 schema. See: Public transport#Service routes.

Public transport routes are analyzed for quality assurance by Public Transport Network Analysis (PTNA for short). Common tagging or mapping errors are checked.

PTNA uses data published by the Ministry of Transportation to know which routes are missing, and which routes are outdated.

The PTNA output is divided by region: Israel PTNA index

Please take a look at the analysis page of the region you're editing. PTNA can be an invaluable tool for improving the quality of mapped routes.

Old discussion in forum about train routes

List of Trains in Israel (last update 2011 - discuss)

Mapping tools

Israel permalinks

The following list has Israel-specific permalinks to QA and monitoring tools:

Note that some tools may show entries from neighboring countries, because they're based on a rectangle bounding box.

Useful QA tools

The following are general QA tools that can be helpful:


The following are Israel-specific statistics:

Alternative map

The Israel Hiking Map features a built-in editor. It is simpler than iD and is tuned for hiking and cycling. Use iD or JOSM for more complex edits.

Aerial maps


The most recent layer is Bing.

Forum discussion:

The precise date is unclear, and it may be varying by place. According to the Bing Imagery Analyzer, the minimum year is 2009 and the maximum year is 2016, but it's unclear whether or not the actual range is a subset of that.

Bots and imports

Below is a list of major imports and active bots.

GEOnet Names Server (gns) import

On 14 July 2008, in changeset 486478, BaruchEven imported "all locations based on the GEOnet Names Server" at that time. The imported nodes had a source=GEOnet Names Server (gns) tag, a unique gns_ref tag, and the accuracy of their location was captured with an accuracy=minutes tag. Translations of the names were not part of the import. For more information, see an historic version of this page.

KKL Forest import

KKL donated shape files for its managed forests.

Discussion in forum

List of Forests in Israel

KKL declined a subsequent request to import its trails data.

Bus stop import

  • Prior to 2017, some manual bulk imports were made.
  • Between November 2017 and November 2020, the bus stops were automatically updated periodically via a script. See the forum discussion and the Wiki page. The last update was in changeset 93373309, dated 2020-11-01. All of the changesets are archived here.
  • From August 2024, bus stops are again updated, this time by a different script, gtfs2osm.

Tel Aviv address import

TODO: add more info.

Community discussion: New gov data source

MOIN import

Community discussion: Importing official administrative boundaries



People involved

See also: Category:Users in Israel

Note: Both lists may be out of date. See the active user statistics by Neis-One for an up-to-date picture.

See also