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Permissible speeds at the Stuttgart Main station, including its surrounding light rail tracks. OpenRailwayMap maxspeed data is put as an overlay on top of on a pre-installed offline map in OsmAnd (see three easy steps to do that).
A map section showing the northern and of the Nürnberg–Munich high-speed line, including track types, station names, track numbers and milestones (as of April 2014)

OpenRailwayMap (以前は"Bahnkarte"という名前でした)は、 OpenStreetMap のデータを使った世界の鉄道インフラの詳細なオンライン地図です。 OpenRailwayMap は、2013年半ばから openrailwaymap.org で公開されています。


Some railways in the greater Stuttgart area (on a mobile phone)

このプロジェクトは OpenStreetMap をベースに、世界中の、オープンな、最新の、詳細な鉄道ネットワークの地図を作るために、2011年12月に発足しました。ドメインは2013年4月27日に登録し、関連するウェブサイトは2013年の半ばに立ち上がりました。それから継続的に開発が行われ、2014年2月にプロジェクトは 新しいサーバへ移転しました。2014年4月には、 携帯電話向けの専用の地図がが立ち上がりました。

OpenRailwayMap は、例えば鉄道、地下鉄、路面電車、ミニ鉄道、ケーブルカーなど、すべてのレールに乗った自走車両を含みます。地図には航空路線、モノレール、浮上式リニアモーターカーは含みません。

OpenRailwayMap という名称は、主にオンライン地図としてとらえられていますが、このプロジェクトは OpenStreetMap にある鉄道関係のデータへの対応も意図しています。整合性のあるデータモデルを開発したり、議論のためのメーリングリストを提供したり、エディタのプラグインを提供したりです。このデータの集合が立ち上がり、データはほかのアプリケーションや開発者からも利用できます。



  • 全世界的サービス: 現状、全世界をカバーする鉄道地図はなく、各国内だけです。
  • オープンソースとオープンデータ: 現在、レンダリングされた地図だけでなく、生の地理データも提供する鉄道ネットワークの地図もありません。現在のすべての地図は、無料ライセンスの下でそのようなデータを提供しているわけではありません。このプロジェクトは、OpenStreetMapデータに基づき、 オープンデータベースライセンスの下で公開されています。
  • 最新かつ詳細: このマップは、クラウドソーシングから有益情報を得ることを目的としています。地元の知識が豊富な世界中の多くの人々がこの地図を編集して、詳細で最新の地図にすることができます。
  • OpenStreetMap: OpenStreetMapに基づく多くのマップがすでにあります。セーリング、サイクリング、ハイキング、自動車、公共交通機関、スキー、電力網などに。しかし、今のところ鉄道地図はありません。


There are several good reasons for creating an open, comprehensive railway map of the world. Just some just cases:

  • Simulation: Detailed railroad data is an excellent source for simulating trains and signal boxes realisticly.
  • Research: Scientists and researchers can use the data to analyse the railroad network, simulate changes and use it for educational purposes.
  • Plans for model trains: This detailed railroad data is a good data source for railway enthusiasts, who want to build a railroad line as a model. With this data you do not need to record the railroad tracks anymore.
  • Enthusiasts: There are many people interested in railways, e.g. trainspotters. For those people this map provides a detailed information source of the railroad network.
  • Basemap for realtime traffic: Other applications can use this map to track the position of trains or to provide a realtime view of the trains' current position. You can also think of applications showing construction sites, detours, blockings and the traffic density.
  • Routing: With a detailed mapped railway infrastructure you could develop a routing application.
  • Public transport: This map and the data are an important data source for public transport applications like timetables, routing, ... .


For the average mapper mapping the railroad network is a bit more complicated than mapping streets or POIs, but there are some suitable ways of mapping:

  • Aerial imagery: Railroad tracks can easily be drawn based on aerial imagery, if high-resolution images are available for your area. With those imagery you can map even great yards simply from home. If you have access to very good high-resolution imagery (e.g. Aerowest), you can also see platforms or even signals.
  • In trains: In areas without high-resolution aerial imagery you can track the railroad lines with the GPS while sitting in the train. You should give attention to a sufficient GPS signal in the train to generate exact tracks (see WikiProject_Germany/Railway).
  • Along the railroad lines: Especially in rural areas the railroad lines can be accessed easily from ways parallel to the tracks. From there you can map signals or milestones fast, easy and safe. Crossings and bridges are also a good possibility to have a look at a part of the railroad line.
  • Stations: In stations you can map a lot of details without risk and easy to access.
  • Other sources: Public data, data sources with usage permission, use pictures from trainspotters or videos from the driver's cab after getting their permission,

Note: In all ways of mapping, you have to respect some rules:

  • Don't violate general laws: Don't enter railroad areas without permission, don't interrupt the railroad traffic, ... . Use just data you can get from public location (examples are mentioned some lines before)
  • Don't put yourself at risk
  • Don't use illegal, non-public, confidential or legally doubtful data sources
  • Don't violate copyright laws and don't copy from other maps

For newbies: You can donate data, but do not know, how to get into OSM? You have interesting information you can share, but no time to do this yourself? Contact us and send your data with a permission so that we might be able do some mapping for you.


A map of permissible speeds with hillshades
  • Three overlays based on numerous backgrounds (including hillshades)
    • for infrastructure (including milestones, switches, track numbers, signal boxes)
    • for signals
    • for maximum track speeds
  • Numerous search features, stations, milestones and level crossings
  • Permalinks
  • Dedicated version for mobile phones, open approach for flexible integration in 3rd party applications (such as OsmAnd)
  • Daily updates, starting at around 1:00 in the morning (Central European Time), taking about four hours.
  • Multiple languages, including: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, N'ko, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. As much as 22 translations are available or underway. Translations are coordinated via Transifex.

Permissible speeds on the Frankfurt-Cologne high-speed railway line, near Frankfurt airport

There is still a long way to go for both the software and railway data. However, there is are already quite some fine examples of OpenRailwayMap's quality:


For mappers it is recommended to ignore the complex tagging scheme and to use the JOSM presets made for single countries. The presets simplify the complex and general tagging and makes it easy to use without learning tags.


There are lists of important objects in different countries with examples of how to tag them. Everybody can add a country or add examples to an existing country.

On these pages you can find country-specific information about mapping signals or working rules correctly. There are also some illustrated practical tagging examples. Everybody is invited to add more countries or add some examples for an existing country.

JOSM のプリセット

For easier mapping you can use the JOSM preset files.

So far, one dedicated JOSM preset has been created. It is aimed at German railway lines and available in the preset directory. There is more information on JOSM tagging presets at the JOSM Tagging presets Wiki page.

Any further presets are very much appreciated. See Contribute.


Search for railway line numbers and milestones

OpenRailwayMap は GPL version 3 で配布されているオープンソースソフトウェアで、無料で ダウンロード できます。OpenRailwayMap はLinux上で動作し、Apacheウェブサーバー、PHPとJavascriptを利用します。 OpenRailwayMap は更に、 LeafletKothic JSNodeJSnode-tileserverosmfilterosmconvertosmupdateosm2pgsqlPostgreSQLPostGIS をベースとしています。変更履歴は こちら

特定のデータを要求する場合は、我々のAPIを利用できます。他のアプリケーションにファイルを含めることもできます。利用規約と技術的な詳細についての情報は、 APIドキュメント をお読みください。

バグ報告と提案については バグ管理システム に投稿してください。Githubアカウントを持っていないユーザーは、 連絡先 から開発者に連絡できます。


Contributors are welcome to help as programmers, translators or designers. Please contact us if you want to contribute.

Mapping: The usability of this map depends on the data. Please use your knowledge to keep the mapped information up-to-date and insert more details!

Programming: You created an interesting new feature or fixed a bug in the existing code? Please send me your code and we will add it.

Translating: OpenRailwayMap wants to be available for many users and in many languages. Please translate the application, the preset files or this wiki page to other languages!

Design: The current design is not very good. Please help to improve it or improve the support in many browsers.

Resources: OpenRailwayMap is currently just a project run in my free time, so needed resources like hardware or domains are limited. You are welcome to support me with these resources!

JOSM-Presets: Create JOSM presets and styles for different countries!

Examples: Add images to the tagging examples or create example pages for new countries!

'Bug reports, browsertests and feature suggestions are desired. Please contact us.

The authors list contains some of the main contributors.


This project is operated by the developers in their spare time and has no commercial goals. By making a donation you can show that you appreciate the voluntary work of the developers and can motivate them to continue the project in the future.

But any donation is not only a form of recognition, but also a financial contribution to the costs that are caused by server, domains, etc.. Only with enough donations the project can be provided without advertising and for free also in the future.

Donations can be made via Paypal and Flattr. On request, donations by bank transfer can be arranged.




  • openrailwaymap (en)(de) OpenRailwayMapのユーザーと開発者向け(その他鉄道関連を含む)のメーリングリスト
    Register - Archive, NNTP gateway via Gmane
  • #OpenRailwayMap (en)(de) OpenRailwayMapのユーザーと開発者向け(その他鉄道関連を含む)のIRCチャンネル
    irc://irc.oftc.net #OpenRailwayMap または webchat (choose "#openrailwaymap")


