Road signs in Uganda

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Road signs in Uganda
This page is localised for Uganda - UG
Status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Bert Araali
Tagging: traffic_sign:UG=*
Applies to: node way
Definition: An extended and advanced scheme
to tag all kind of traffic signs in Uganda
Drafted on: 01 Jul 2017
RFC start: 02 Apr 2021
Voting members: talk-ug+Core Members

On this page, Road signs in Uganda we'll try to make a list of Ugandan traffic signs, and how to map them properly. This page is under construction, signs can be added as required in mapping projects. It is intended to help those mappers in Uganda that are new to the project, or those more experienced but looking for a common way to tag traffic signs in the country.

Please note: This is intended as a guide based on what contributors to the page think is best. There may be other equally acceptable alternatives - if so add them to this page with an "or" separator, or discuss first on the discussion page.

Please also note: Some of the tags here may not appear in Map Features and are suggestions instead to cover a requirement. As a result some validator tools may highlight them as errors to be checked.

Each sign ID is both an anchor and a link that you can copy to make an internal / external reference to the sign.

How to map

For all types of traffic signs

Please refer to traffic_sign and Proposed features/Extended traffic signs tagging for the general description and details of the two methods described below.

Two methods are commonly used:

1st - Function Mapping - as part of a way: it is possible to use a node which is part of a way,

This method allows software algorithms which operate on ways (like e.g. routing algorithms) to consider the sign, but makes it impossible to know the exact position of the sign. A renderer can at best assume that the sign is located somewhere next to the road.

2nd - Position Mapping - as a separate node: create a separate node beside the road.

This allows to map the exact physical position of the sign, but it is impossible to reliably deduce the affected road or travel direction in this case. Software algorithms which operate on ways will thus generally not be able to consider the traffic sign, but only the tags of the way instead.
In Uganda we try to combine and use both methods to support the largest range of software algorithms and routing apps. This allows for both displaying the sign at it's exact physical location and implement the instructions and/or warnings in route assistance.

To identify the traffic signs we use the tag traffic_sign=UG:ID.

Function Mapping:
Use the tag traffic_sign=UG:ID for one-way roads.
Use traffic_sign:forward=* or traffic_sign:backward=* (once the proposed key side=* is approved combined with the additional tag side=left or side=right) in case of ways with multiple directions.

Position Mapping:
Use the tag traffic_sign=UG:ID only, the location is exactly determined by the location where it is drawn on the map.

The ID's are traffic ID national codes determined by the Ministry of Works and Transport, listed in The Highway Code pdf. All pictures shown in this wiki page are derived from The Highway Code[1]

We describe all methods in the Tags column in the tables below.

Supplementary plates

These plates are placed under other signs.

Information should be added to existing tags on the nodes and ways already created for the applicable sign.
For all signs the following tagging applies:

for 1st AND 2nd method:
node Add the ID of the supplementary plate to the tag identifying the traffic sign picture, separated by a comma , and add any applicable values using square brackets: [value], as described on the wiki page traffic_sign:

Sign[1] Tag

Uganda road sign S01.svg

traffic_sign=UG:I51,S01[800 m]

Multiple signs / sign combinations on one post

Some signs are placed under or in combination with other signs on the same post.

Tags should be added to the nodes and ways already created for the first or upper most sign.
For all signs the following tagging applies:

for 1st AND 2nd method:
node Add the ID of the additional sign to the tag identifying the traffic sign picture, seperated by a semicolon ; as described on the wiki page traffic_sign: traffic_sign=UG:R49;R43.

Multiple combinations may exist, see the examples on the wiki page traffic_sign.

The signs

General information

All signs on this page are sourced from The Highway Code[1], published by the Ministry of Works and Transport in Uganda. The pictures are copied from this source and made available in this wiki as picture file (.jpg or .png). The Sign ID's are retrieved from this reference.
In those cases where signs are missing from The Highway Code but observed during field surveys or street level pictures, they are added as a picture file (.jpg, .png or .svg) and made available for public use in this wiki. In these cases a sub-number (f.i. .1) is added if the sign relates to an existing sign listed in the code.

It should be noted that temporary signs have a yellow background. Add a tag colour:back=yellow to the node(s) to distinguish them from permanent signs.

G - Guidance signs

Sign ID Image[1] Description Tags
G22.1 Uganda-trafficsign-G22-1.png

Place identification sign, entry.

Identifies the place but also demarcates the entry of a "built-up area" with specific national speed limits, the most important: for motor vehicles max. speed of 50 km/h. .

We tag it's location with a node. On the way ways we add a maxspeed=50 (with the value being the actual displayed speed limit on the sign) if the sign is combined with a speed limit sign traffic_sign=UG:R49. If there is no separate speed limit sign omit the maxspeed=50.

We use the source:maxspeed=UG:built-up on every way way section within the build up zone instead of the actual maxspeed values. It is up to routing and other external software to obtain these values from the countries default values. This to avoid that we have to change multiple tags on all road sections when the legislation should change.

Functional mapping:
relation If the road is represented by a relation of type=route with route=road and completely contained within the "built-up zone" add the source:maxspeed=UG:built-up, to the relation instead of to every individual wayway.
way To every way representing the road within the "built-up" zone add the source:maxspeed=UG:built-up.
node part of way Finally add a node on the way at the location of the traffic sign and tag with traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:G22.1.

Position mapping:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:G22.1

I - Information signs

Sign ID Image[1] Description Tags
I01 Uganda road sign I01.svg

Pedestrian crossing

This sign is applicable for pedestrians only.

Since the sign is applicable for pedestrians only it will be found along footways and paths. In case these are micro-mapped (drawn separate from the major road) they apply to the way representing the footway. In case the footway is defined as part of the way representing the road different nodes must be used to identify the pedestrian crossing for pedestrians and for road users.

1st method:
way To the way (section of a footway) add highway=footway and footway=crossing.
Add additional tag to identify the type of crossing, for this sign mostly zebra : crossing=zebra.
node part of way On the actual crossing of the road and the footway (junction) add highway=crossing and crossing=zebra.
node part of way Finally add a node on the way (only in case of separate drawn footpath) for early warning and tag the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I01.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (footpath or road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I01

I04 Uganda road sign I04.svg


1st method:
For the different types of parking:
Parking lane along a road: way Add parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* to the way (section of a road) and add additional tags as described on the street parking wiki page.
Way giving access to a parking area: node part of way. An area with amenity=parking should already be present. Add a node on the way where it enters the parking space (could be the junction of the way way and an area area representing the parking space) and tag according Tag:amenity=parking_entrance.

node part of way Add a node on the way where the sign is located and add tag for the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I04.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (footpath or road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I04

I51 Uganda-trafficsign-I51.png

Tourist attraction

1st method:
node part of way Add a node on the way and tag the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I51.
In the name=exact copy of the text of the sign add the text exactly as shown on the sign.
Add the destination=name of destination in OSM as described on the wiki page Proposed features/Destination details.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:I51.
In the name=exact copy of the text of the sign add the text exactly as shown on the sign.
Add the destination=name of destination in OSM as described on the wiki page Proposed features/Destination details.

R - Prohibitory signs and Mandatory signs

Sign ID Image[1] Description Tags
R47 Uganda road sign R47.svg

No parking, up to the end of the road or to the next junction.

1st method:
way Create a seperated section of the way to which the no parking restriction applies. Apply the tags parking:both=no + parking:both:restriction=no_parking for both sides of the street or use parking:left=* or parking:right=* instead if only valid on one side of the street.
node part of way Finally add a node on the way at the location of the sign and add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:R47.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (footpath or road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:R47.

R77 Uganda road sign R77.svg


1st method:
way On every part of a route or way that is part of the junction add the tag junction=roundabout .
node part of way. Add a node on the way at the location of where different routes or ways intersect add junction=roundabout to the node node.
node part of way. Finally add a node on the way at the location of where the "traffic sign" is located, add a node and add junction=roundabout plus the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:R77.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (footpath or road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:R77.

R77.1 UG traffic sign R77.1 roundabout directions.png

Roundabout driving direction.

See R77.

S - Supplementary plates

Sign ID Image[1] Description Tags
S01 Uganda road sign S01.svg

Distance to hazard or regulation.

1st AND 2nd method:
node Add the ID to the tag identifying the traffic sign picture, seperated by a comma , and add the vlue of the indicated distance using square brackets: [value]: traffic_sign=UG:I51,S01[800 m].
Add the tag distance=value with unit to the node, f.i. distance=800 m.
If no unit is given explicitly, the value is assumed to be in kilometers. If another unit is given, it should be separated from the number by a space as described on the wiki page Key:distance.

W - Warning signs

Sign ID Image[1] Description Tags
W43 Uganda road sign W43.svg

Pedestrian crossing

1st method:
node part of way At the location where the crossing is create a node on the way add highway=crossing.
Add additional tag to identify the type of crossing, for this sign mostly zebra : crossing=zebra.
node part of way Finally add a node on the way for early warning and tag the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:W43.

2nd method:
node At the location where the traffic sign is located, beside of the way (road) on a new created node
add the traffic sign picture: traffic_sign=UG:W43.

Optional additional tagging

Following tags are optional. Use them to add details to the traffic sign node that is separated from the node on the highway.
Although it is possible, the same tags can be added to the node on the highway, it is not common practice. When both a separate and a node on the highway are used (1st and 2nd method), add the additional tags only to the separate node. Avoid duplicating detail information.

Key Value Required Example Description
support=* pole Optional pole The type of support, mostly a pole.
height=* a height in meters (m) Optional 2 The height of the complete post including the sign.
size=* a size in the format length*height or if single dimension is given applies to the diameter of the traffic sign. Optional 0.5*0.2 The size of the actual traffic sign.
colour:back=* a colour Optional blue The background colour of the traffic sign. Rarely used since it is already defined by the traffic_sign=* value.
colour:text=* a colour Optional white The colour of the text on the traffic sign. Rarely used since it is already defined by the traffic_sign=* value.
colour:arrow=* a colour Optional white The border/arrow colour of the sign. Rarely used since it is already defined by the traffic_sign=* value.
material=* a material Optional metal The material the traffic sign is made of. Mostly this is metal. If omitted metal can be assumed as default value.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 The Highway Code. Ministry of Works and Transport, The Republic of Uganda. Published March 2009.