All pages with prefix
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- *=vehicle depot
- 3D model repository links
- 3D shop
- 3rd and 4th rail
- 4WD Only
- 4th Dimension
- 4th Dimension/Archive
- Abandoned (key)
- Abandoned (value)
- Abandoned highways
- Accept area in addition to node
- Access: designated
- Access: name space
- Access:electric
- Access=permit
- Access=resident
- Access=students
- Access Ramp
- Access aisle
- Access for adherents only
- Access key
- Access only
- Access restriction axlecount
- Access restrictions
- Access restrictions 1.5
- Accessibility
- Accessibility of stairs for the disabled
- Accessory Dwelling Unit
- Accredited
- Acoustic guide
- Add Communications Store Tag
- Add Translate extension to Wiki
- Add Translate extension to Wiki/Railway page example
- Add a systhematic location to put the merging node when merging exit ramps on motorways or other highways
- Add ability to specify ordering-only phone number, sms-only phone numbers and related tags
- Add administrative highway Tag
- Add enby as counterpart to male and female
- Add languages: tags for name rendering
- Add strolling to sac scale and some further refinements
- Adding Trust by Signatures
- Additional Food Shelf Tags
- Additional parking types for amenity=parking
- Additional place values
- Additional sound signaling for the blind at railway crossings in the Czech Republic
- Addr:interval
- Addr:milestone
- Addr:place
- Addr:reference point
- Addr=main
- AddrN (2010)
- AddrN (2012)
- AddrN (2015)
- Addr keys (2011-04)
- Admin title
- Administration
- Administrative area
- Admission
- Adopter
- Adult services
- Advanced Cycleway
- Advanced checkpoints
- Advanced cycle barrier tagging
- Advanced footway and cycleway
- Advanced navigation
- Advanced stop line
- Advertising
- Advertising2
- Aerial Tramway Support Pillar
- Aerialway=zip line
- Aerobridge
- Aerodrome
- Aerodrome (area)
- Aerodrome (proposed distinguish from airport)
- Aerodrome (unified symbol set)
- Aerodrome 3
- Aeroway=heliport
- Aeroway=holding position line
- Aeroway=stopway
- Aeroway gate
- Aeroway obstacle
- Aeroway radio
- African Scripts in names
- Age group
- Agency
- Agricultural Field
- Agricultural access
- Agriculture
- Agritourism
- Agroecology
- Air filling
- Air supported structure
- Air traffic control
- Aircraft crossing
- Aircraft hangar
- Airport
- Airport concourses
- Airports
- Airspace
- All Highway Tags
- All purpose store
- All sports
- All you can eat
- Alleyway
- Alpine hut
- Alteration
- Alternate oneway
- Alternative energy focused power revamp
- Amenity:mortuary
- Amenity=astronomical observatory
- Amenity=baking oven
- Amenity=bear cache
- Amenity=building yard
- Amenity=chain bay
- Amenity=chautari
- Amenity=feeding place
- Amenity=fountain
- Amenity=glass cabinet
- Amenity=laundry box
- Amenity=library dropoff
- Amenity=lounge
- Amenity=mailroom
- Amenity=parcel box
- Amenity=parcel locker
- Amenity=parking fine
- Amenity=post point
- Amenity=power supply
- Amenity=reception desk
- Amenity=research institute
- Amenity=scooter parking
- Amenity=shelf
- Amenity=small vehicle parking
- Amenity=student accommodation
- Amenity=vending machine way extension
- Amenity=water crane
- Amenity features
- Amusement ride
- Amusements
- Animal=horse walker
- Animal breeding
- Animal crossing
- Animal shelters and animal boarding facilities
- Anime
- Announce proposals on the community forum
- Antenna:use
- Anthroposophy
- Anti-access Devices
- Any moving thing grouping system
- Apartment
- Apiary
- Appliance Store
- Aquaculture
- Aquarium
- Aquatics centre
- Aqueduct
- Archipelago
- Architect
- Area
- Area-steps
- Area:highway
- AreaAddress
- AreaAdress
- Area highway/mapping guidelines
- Area with holes
- Arena
- Arete
- Armory
- Art gallery
- Art museums, art galleries and art shops
- Artifacts
- Artificial
- Artwork subject=sheela-na-gig
- Artwork subject=sheela-na-gig (2)
- Artwork type=maypole
- Assembly point:purpose
- AssociatedAddress
- AssociatedAddress (new)
- Associated Entrance
- Astronomy Observation Site
- Atoll
- Attributes
- Attribution
- Auctioneer
- Audio beacon
- Authority
- Autodrome
- Automated external defibrillator
- Automated external defibrillator/first vote
- Automated tasks
- Automobile repair shop
- Avalanche-transceiver
- Avalanche dam
- Avenue - Trees beside street
- Aviation Obstacle Light
- Avoid
- Awards and ratings
- BE-Spelling shop=jewelry
- BMO Global import principle
- Baby hatch
- Babycare
- Bad source
- Balustrade attributes
- Ban deprecated tags
- Bandstand
- Bank
- Banks
- Banya building (Bath house)
- Barbers
- Barbershop
- Bare rock
- Barriers
- Base transceiver station
- Basic hut
- Basic network
- Basic network (2021)
- Basic network (2021)/Archive 1
- Basin=infiltration
- Batting cage
- Bazaar
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beer Quality
- Beer details
- Bell
- Bell cage
- Bench
- Bench: Do not tag capacity if no separation
- Bench: Tag capacity, even if no separation
- Bench: replace seats by capacity
- Between and beside rails
- Beverages
- Bicycle Tube Automat
- Bicycle Wash
- Bicycle crossing
- Bicycle parking:position
- Bicycle rental:type
- Bicycle sports
- Bicycle use cycleway
- Big bench
- Bike friend
- Bike park
- Bike safety
- Bikesharing station
- Billboard
- Bingo hall
- Biological
- Bioswale
- Bird hide
- Blank street names
- Bleacher
- Block Number
- Blood donation
- Blood donation 2
- Blowhole
- Blue flag
- Board type=protected area
- Boat Rental
- Boat school
- Boat sharing
- Body scales
- Book return box
- Bookmaker
- Bookstore
- Boolean values
- Boom
- Border
- Border Control
- Bore
- Botanical name
- Boundary=border zone
- Boundary=cadastral
- Boundary=forest( compartment) relations (v3)
- Boundary=forestry( compartment) relations
- Boundary=forestry( compartment) relations/Review of second vote results
- Boundary=health
- Boundary=limited traffic zone
- Boundary=low emission zone
- Boundary=port authority
- Boundary=religious administration
- Boundary=urban
- Boundary markers proposal
- Boundary segment
- Brazil/Padronização das escolas públicas do Brasil
- Bread bakery
- Breakwater
- Brick Way
- Brickkiln
- Bridge
- Bridge:abandoned
- Bridge Name
- Bridge Number
- Bridge Type
- Bridge types
- Bridge weight
- Bridges and Tunnels
- Buffered bike lane
- Building
- Building:architecture=preromanesque
- Building:château
- Building:parts
- Building:soft storey
- Building=barrack
- Building=kindergarten
- Building=quonset hut
- Building attributes
- Building entrance (2008)
- Building entrance (2009)
- Building inlet
- Building passage
- Building site
- Buildings
- Bullfighting arena
- Bund wall
- Bungee
- Buoy
- Bureau de change
- Bureau de change=yes
- Bus Sluice
- Bus bay
- Bus restriction
- Bus turning point
- Business lunch
- Cable Shop
- Cable ferry
- Cafeteria
- Cai scale
- Cairn
- Camp Site
- Camp site pitch
- Camp type=*
- Camper place
- Campsite properties
- Campus building
- Cannabis Social-Club
- Canoe
- Canopy density
- Canyoning
- Cape
- Capital
- Car
- Car access tag