Template:Bg:Building typology
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В таблицата са събрани повечето етикети, които се ползват за описване на сгради.
Ключ | Значение | Коментар | Снимка |
Жилищни | |||
building | apartments | Блок с апартаменти. Възможно е да има магазини на приземния етаж. | |
building | barracks | Buildings built to house military personnel or laborers. | |
building | bungalow | Малка едноетажна сграда, вила. | |
building | cabin | cabin Не се препоръчва употребата на този етикет. | |
building | detached | Отделна къща. Аналогичен е на building=house. | |
building | annexe | An annexe is a small self contained apartments, collages, or small residential building on the same property as the main residential unit. | |
building | dormitory | Общежитие. | |
building | farm | Сграда на ферма, която се явява и жилищна. | |
building | ger | A permanent or seasonal round yurt or ger. | |
building | hotel | Хотел. | |
building | house | Къща. Това е общ етикет. По-конкретно може да се укаже building=detached и building=terrace. | |
building | houseboat | Лодка, ползвана за жилище. | |
building | residential | Общ етикет за жилищна сграда. Ако знаете типа на сградата, ползвайте направо house, apartments, detached, terrace или hut | |
building | semidetached_house | A residential house that shares a common wall with another on one side. Typically called a "duplex" in American English. | |
building | static_caravan | Подвижен дом, който винаги или почти винаги стои на едно място. | |
building | stilt_house | A building raised on piles over the surface of the soil or a body of water | |
building | terrace | Къщи, които са построени плътно една до друга. Отделните сгради могат да бъдат отбелязани с building=house. | |
building | tree_house | An accommodation, often designed as a small hut, sometimes also as a room or small apartment. Built on tree posts or on a natural tree. A tree house has no contact with the ground. Access via ladders, stairs or bridgeways. | |
building | trullo | A stone hut with a conical roof. | |
Търговски | |||
building | commercial | Място за някаква делова активност. Използва се като общ етикет, когато не може да се посочи точно типа дейност - например само офиси или само магазини. Имайте предвид, че с този етикет се указва почти всичко, което не е частен дом - офиси, магазини, складове, производствени помещения, ферми... | |
building | industrial | Промишлена сграда. Територията се отбелязва с landuse=industrial и с уточнение industrial=*. | |
building | kiosk | Малък магазин, будка. | |
building | office | Остарял етикет. За офиси ползвайте building=commercial с пояснението office=*. | |
building | retail | Магазин. Задължително и укажете типа на магазина с shop=*. | |
building | supermarket | Супермаркет. Поддържа се в Mapnik. Задайте shop=mall или друг етикет, който най-добре описва този обект. | |
building | warehouse | Склад. | |
Religious | |||
building | religious | Unspecific building related to religion. Prefer more specific values if possible. | |
building | cathedral | Катедрала (съвместно с amenity=place_of_worship, religion=* и denomination=*). | |
building | chapel | Параклис (съвместно с amenity=place_of_worship, religion=* и denomination=*). | |
building | church | Църква (съвместно с amenity=place_of_worship, religion=* и denomination=*). | |
building | kingdom_hall | A building that was built as a ![]() |
building | monastery | A building constructed as ![]() |
building | mosque | Джамия (съвместно с amenity=place_of_worship, religion=*, denomination=* и landuse=religious за територията). | |
building | presbytery | A building where priests live and work. | |
building | shrine | Светилище (Капище). | |
building | synagogue | Синагога (съвместно с amenity=place_of_worship, religion=*, denomination=* и landuse=religious за територията). | |
building | temple | Храм. | |
Обществени | |||
building | bakehouse | Пекарна (Като самостоятелна сграда). | |
building | bridge | Сграда, която е и мост. Покрит мост. Виж bridge=yes и highway=*. | |
building | civic | Обществена сграда: библиотека, обществени тоалетни, басейн и др. За пояснение ползвайте amenity=* и leisure=*. | |
building | college | A college building. Use amenity=college on the whole college area to represent the college as an institution. | |
building | fire_station | A building constructed as fire station, i.e. to house fire fighting equipment and officers, regardless of current use. Add amenity=fire_station on the grounds for an active fire station. | |
building | government | For government buildings in general, including municipal, provincial and divisional secretaries, government agencies and departments, town halls, (regional) parliaments and court houses. | |
building | gatehouse | An entry control point building, spanning over a highway that enters a city or compound. | |
building | hospital | Сграда на болница. Територията на болница се отбелязва с amenity=hospital | |
building | kindergarten | For any generic kindergarten buildings. Buildings for specific uses (sports halls etc.) should be tagged for their purpose. If there is currently a kindergarten in the building, use amenity=kindergarten on the perimeter of the kindergarten grounds. | |
building | museum | A building which was designed as a museum. | |
building | public | Обществена сграда. Държавно или общинско учреждение. | |
building | school | Сграда на училище. Територията оградете с amenity=school. | |
building | toilets | A toilet block. | |
building | train_station | ЖП гара. (Mapnik изобразява building=station). | |
building | transportation | Транспорт на товари. | |
building | university | Сграда на университет. Обикновено вътре в amenity=university. | |
Agricultural/plant production | |||
building | barn | Обор. | |
building | conservatory | A building or room having glass or tarpaulin roofing and walls used as an indoor garden or a sunroom (winter garden). | |
building | cowshed | Краварник. | |
building | farm_auxiliary | Нежилищни сгради на ферма. | |
building | greenhouse | Оранжерия. Територията на оранжериите се указва с етикета landuse=greenhouse_horticulture | |
building | slurry_tank | A circular building built to hold a liquid mix of primarily animal excreta (also known as slurry). | |
building | stable | Конюшня. Помещение за отглеждане на коне. | |
building | sty | Свинарник. Помещение за прасета. | |
building | livestock | A building for housing/rising other livestock (apart from cows, horses or pigs covered above), or when the livestock changes. | |
Sports | |||
building | grandstand | The main stand, usually roofed, commanding the best view for spectators at racecourses or sports grounds. | |
building | pavilion | A sports pavilion usually with changing rooms, storage areas and possibly an space for functions & events. Avoid using this term for other structures called pavilions by architects (see ![]() |
building | riding_hall | A building that was built as a riding hall. | |
building | sports_hall | A building that was built as a sports hall. | |
building | sports_centre | A building that was built as a sports centre. | |
building | stadium | Стадион. | |
Storage | |||
building | allotment_house | A small outbuilding for short visits in a allotment garden. | |
building | boathouse | A boathouse is a building used for the storage of boats. | |
building | hangar | Хангар - за съхраняване на самолети, вертолети и други летателни апарати. При необходимост добавяйте aeroway=hangar. За промишлени складове с полу-цилиндрична форма направени от метал ползвайте roof:shape=round roof:material=metal building:material=metal building:levels=1 | |
building | hut | Не се препоръчва употребата на този етикет. | |
building | shed | Барака за инструменти, склад в градината. | |
Cars | |||
building | carport | Навес за кола. | |
building | garage | Отделен гараж. Няколко гаража заедно можете да укажете с building=garages | |
building | garages | Гаражи. За единичен гараж - building=garage. | |
building | parking | Structure purpose-built for parking cars. | |
Power/technical buildings | |||
building | digester | Съоръжение за производство на био-газ. | |
building | service | Сервизни сгради. | |
building | tech_cab | Small prefabricated cabin structures for the air-conditioned accommodation of different technology. | |
building | transformer_tower | Често срещан в България висок тухлен трансформатор, който се свърза директно с електропреносната мрежа. | |
building | water_tower | A water tower. | |
building | storage_tank | Цистерна за съхранение на различни течности. Виж също man_made=storage_tank и man_made=silo. | |
building | silo | A silo is a building for storing bulk materials | |
Други | |||
building | beach_hut | A small, usually wooden, and often brightly coloured cabin or shelter above the high tide mark on popular bathing beaches. | |
building | bunker | Бункер, военен обект (съвместно с military=bunker). | |
building | castle | A building constructed as a castle. Can be further specified with historic=castle + castle_type=*. | |
building | construction | Сграда в строеж. Можете да ползвате construction=* за да отбележите предназначението на готовата сграда. | |
building | container | For a container used as a permanent building. Do not map containers placed temporarily, for example used in shipping or construction. | |
building | guardhouse | Poste de garde. | |
building | military | A military building. Also use military=*. | |
building | outbuilding | A less important building near to and on the same piece of land as a larger building. | |
building | pagoda | A building constructed as a pagoda. | |
building | quonset_hut | A lightweight prefabricated structure in the shape of a semicircle. | |
building | roof | Покрив. Например на бензиностанция. | |
building | ruins | Руини. Изоставени сгради. | |
building | ship | A decommissioned ship/submarine which stays in one place. | |
building | tent | For a permanently placed tent. Do not map tents placed temporarily. | |
building | tower | A tower-building. | |
building | triumphal_arch | A free-standing monumental structure in the shape of an archway with one or more arched passageways. | |
building | windmill | A building constructed as a traditional windmill, historically used to mill grain with wind power. | |
building | yes | Използвайте заедно с building:type=* или ако не сте сигурни сградата какъв тип е. | |
building | Зададен от потребителя | Често ползвани значения съгласно TagInfo |
Допълнителни атрибути
Ключ | Значение | Елемент | Коментар | Снимка |
building:architecture | <architectural style> | ![]() ![]() |
Architectural style of a building | |
building:colour | <RGB hex triplet> | <W3C colour name> | ![]() |
Indicates colour of the building | |
building:fireproof | yes | no | ![]() ![]() |
Пожаробезопасност. | |
building:flats | <number> | ![]() ![]() |
The number of residential units (flats, apartments) in an apartment building (building=apartments), residential building (building=residential), house (building=house), detached house (building=detached) or similar building. | |
building:levels | <number> | ![]() ![]() |
Етажи. | |
building:material | <material type> | ![]() |
Outer material for the building façade | |
building:min_level | <number> | ![]() |
For describing number of values, "filling" space between ground level and bottom level of building or part of building | |
building:part | As building | ![]() |
To mark a part of a building, which has attributes, different from such ones at other parts | |
building:soft_storey | yes | no | reinforced | ![]() ![]() |
A building where any one level is significantly more flexible (less stiff) than those above and below it | |
construction_date | <date> | ![]() ![]() |
The (approximated) date when the building was finished. | |
entrance | yes | main | exit | service | emergency | ![]() |
Вход. | |
height | <number> | ![]() ![]() |
Височина в метри. | |
max_level | <number> | ![]() |
Maximum indoor level (floor) in the building as used in the Simple Indoor Tagging scheme | |
min_level | <number> | ![]() |
Minimum indoor level (floor) in the building as used in the Simple Indoor Tagging scheme | |
non_existent_levels | <number> | ![]() |
List of indoor levels (floors) that do not exists in the building as used in the Simple Indoor Tagging scheme | |
start_date | <date> | ![]() ![]() |
The (approximated) date when the building was finished. |
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Таблицата може да се редактира тук.