Tagging mistakes

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This page contains tags (key or value) supposed wrong and is used by Osmose.

The results of this analysis are available on a map and as a filterable list to allow corrections.

The find column identifies the tag and/or the value that will be analyzed. If there is a sign =, it separates key and value, otherwise the test focuses only on the key. If the key or value is between ` then it will be used as a regular expression.

The replace column gives an indication for correction.

The class column is used to group analyzes by theme.

The only_for column defines the context of analysis, ISO country code (uppercase) or language (lowercase).

Deprecated tags must go on the specific page Deprecated features.


Cette page reprend les tags (key ou valeurs) supposés fautifs et est utilisée par Osmose.

Les résultats de l'analyse sont disponibles sur une carte et comme liste filtrable pour permettre les corrections.

La colonne find identifie le tag et/ou la valeur qui vont être analysés. S'il y a un signe = il sépare la clé de la valeur, sinon le test porte uniquement sur la clé. Si la clé ou valeur est entre ` alors elle sera utilisé comme une expression régulière.

La colonne replace donne l'indication de correction.

La colonne class permet de grouper les analyses par thématique.

La colonne only_for définit le contexte de l'analyse, code ISO de pays (en majuscule) ou de langue (en minuscule).

Les tags dépréciés doivent aller sur la page spécifique Deprecated features.


key / key=value
key / key=value
class only_for done


Area area typo-tag


Fixme fixme typo-tag


Layer layer typo-tag


Name name typo-tag
Nom name typo-tag
Note note typo-tag


Ref ref ref


School:FR school:FR typo-tag FR
Shop shop typo-tag
Source source typo-tag


Type type typo-tag


Width width typo-tag


abbr_name=* short_name=* tag
access=designated access=yes, bicycle=designated, hgv=designated or similar tags value
access=official access=yes, bicycle=designated, hgv=designated or similar tags value
administrative=boundary boundary=administrative tag
admin_level=`\D.*` admin_level=[1-10] value name ?
aera area typo-tag
altitude ele=* tag
amenity=College amenity=college value
amenity=Collège amenity=school, school:FR=collège value fr
amenity=Décheterie amenity=recycling, network=Déchèterie value
amenity=Ecole amenity=school, school:FR=élémentaire value FR
amenity=`Ecole .*` amenity=school, school:FR=élémentaire, name=École * value FR
amenity=`Eglise.*` amenity=place_of_worship, religion=christian, name=Église * value fr
amenity=Lycée amenity=school, school:FR=lycée value FR
amenity=`Lycée .*` amenity=school, school:FR=lycée, name=Lycée * value FR
amenity=Mairie amenity=townhall value fr
amenity=Pharmacie amenity=pharmacy value fr
amenity=Pharmacy amenity=pharmacy value
amenity=Public building office=government or other tag value
amenity=Pompe essence 24h/24 amenity=fuel, opening_hours=24/7 value
amenity=bts man_made=tower & tower:type=communication value
amenity=cemetery landuse=cemetery value
amenity=changing_room amenity=dressing_room value
amenity=club amenity=community_centre & community_centre=club_home value
amenity=construction landuse=construction value
amenity=financial_advice office=financial_advisor value
amenity=first_aid emergency=first_aid or emergency=first_aid_kit value
amenity=fixme fixme=* value
amenity=fraternity office=association, club=* or other tag value
amenity=garden leisure=garden value
amenity=lifeboat_station emergency=water_rescue value
amenity=market amenity=marketplace value
amenity=mountain_rescue emergency=mountain_rescue value
amenity=no not:amenity=yes tag
amenity=nursing_home amenity=social_facility & social_facility=nursing_home value
amenity=public_building office=government or other tag value
amenity=public_facility office=government or other tag value
amenity=rescue_station emergency=mountain_rescue, emergency=water_rescue, emergency=air_rescue_service or other tag value
amenity=retirement_home amenity=social_facility & social_facility=group_home & social_facility:for=senior value
amenity=self_storage shop=storage_rental value
amenity=sports_centre leisure=sports_centre value
amenity=storage shop=storage_rental value
amenity=store shop=* value
amenity=toilet amenity=toilets value
amenity=trailer_park tourism=caravan_site or (landuse=residential & residential=trailer_park) value
amenity=tutoring office=tutoring value
amenity=vacant Lifecycle prefix value
amenity=water amenity=drinking_water, amenity=watering_place value
amenity=yacht_club club=sailing value
amenity_1=* amenity=* tag
animal=wellness shop=pet_grooming value


basin=waste_water basin=aeration or basin=settling value
basin=wastewater basin=aeration or basin=settling value
bath:open_air=* outdoor=* tag
board_type=map information=map tag
boundarie boundary typo-tag
bounddary boundary typo-tag
boundry boundary typo-tag
boundary=admnistrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
boundary=adminstrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
boundary=adiministrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
brand=renault brand=Renault typo-tag
building=abandoned building=yes value
building=collapsed demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=damaged demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=destroyed demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=disused building=yes value
building=fixme building=yes value
building=government_office building=office & office=government value
building=no not:building=yes tag
building=plot place=plot value
building=public_building building=public value
building=ruin building=ruins value
building=ruined building=ruins value
building:level=* building:levels=* typo-tag
building:usage=* building:use=* tag
building_type=* building=* tag


canal=irrigation usage=irrigation value
clothes=unisexs clothes=unisex value
code INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_insee ref:INSEE ref
coe_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_postal addr:postcode tag
communication=mobile_phone communication:mobile_phone=yes value
communication=outdoor_dslam telecom=service_device value
communication=pole man_made=utility_pole value
closed=yes Lifecycle prefix tag
contents=* content=* tag
cuisine=bbq cuisine=barbecue value
cuisine=cafe amenity=cafe value
cuisine=fast_food amenity=fast_food value
cuisine=noodles cuisine=noodle value
cuisine=vegan diet:vegan=* value
cuisine=vegetarian diet:vegetarian=* value


demolished=yes demolished:*=* value
designation=private access=private or ownership=private value
destroyed=yes destroyed:*=* value
direction=anti-clockwise direction=anticlockwise value
direction=anti_clockwise direction=anticlockwise value
direction=counterclockwise direction=anticlockwise value


emergency=lifeboat_station emergency=water_rescue value
emergency=marine_rescue emergency=water_rescue value


fuel_lpg fuel:lpg tag


generator:location=* location=* tag
genus=palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
genus=Palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
genus=palmier taxon=Arecaceae tag
grade=* grades=* or tracktype=* tag


hazard_prone=* hazard=* tag
hazard_type=* hazard=* tag
hazard:type=* hazard=* tag
healthcare=birthing_center healthcare=birthing_centre value
height_ft=* height=* tag
highway=disused disused:highway=* value


industrial=gas utility=gas value
industrial=manufacturing man_made=works or industrial=factory value
industrial=works man_made=works or industrial=factory value


junction=roudabout junction=roundabout typo-tag
junction=turnaround junction=roundabout typo-tag


lamp:type=* light:method=* tag
lane lanes typo-tag
landuse=abandoned abandoned:landuse=* or abandoned=yes tag
landuse=amenity amenity=* tag
landuse=disused disused:landuse=yes or disused=yes tag
landuse=fishfarm landuse=aquaculture value
landuse=garden leisure=garden value
landuse=leisure leisure=* tag
landuse=no not:landuse=yes tag
landuse=park leisure=park value
landuse=proposed proposed:landuse=* tag
leisure=arena leisure=stadium or leisure=pitch value
leisure=bleacher leisure=bleachers value
leisure=club amenity=community_centre & community_centre=club_home value
leisure=no not:leisure=yes tag
leisure=sport leisure=sports_centre, leisure=sports_hall, leisure=pitch or other tag value


man_made=fuel_storage_tank man_made=storage_tank& content=fuel value
man_made=mine man_made=mineshaft or man_made=adit value
man_made=no not:man_made=yes or anthropogenic=no tag
man_made=storage man_made=storage_tank, man_made=bunker_silo or similar tags value
man_made=tank man_made=storage_tank or historic=tank value
man_made=wastewater_tank man_made=storage_tank & content=wastewater value
man_made=yes man_made=* or anthropogenic=yes value
mast:type=* tower:type=* tag
memorial:text=* inscription=* key
memorial:type=* memorial=* tag
men=* male=* tag


na name typo-tag
nam name typo-tag
name_en name:en tag
name_alt alt_name typo-tag
name:botanical genus=*, taxon=* or species=* tag
name:ar1 name:ar tag
name:bat-smg name:sgs tag
name:be-x-old name:be-tarask tag
name:dk name:da tag
name:eml name:egl tag
name:fiu-vro name:vro tag
name:jp name:ja tag
name:lu name:lb tag LU
name:np name:na tag
name:roa-rup name:rup tag
name=Allée description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Avenue description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Chemin description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Impasse description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Monuments aux Morts name=Monument aux Morts name fr
name=Place description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Route description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Route Nationale description incorrecte name fr
name=Route Départementale description incorrecte name fr
name=Rue description incorrecte name fr
name=`.*1ère .*` Première ou abréviation correcte : 1re name fr
name=`.*1ères .*` Premières ou abréviation correcte : 1res name fr
name=`.*\d+ème .*` Abréviation correcte : 2e, 3e, 4e... name fr
name=`[Bb][aâ]t\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Bât => Bâtiment name fr
name=`.* [Dd]r\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Dr => Docteur name fr
name=`.* [Dd]rs\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Drs => Docteurs name fr
name=`[Ff]b?g\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Fbg/Fg => Faubourg name fr
name=`.* [Gg][eé]n\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Gen => Général name fr
name=`.* [Gg]al\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Gal => Général ou Galerie ? name fr
name=`[Ll]ot\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Lot => Lotissement name fr
name=`.* [Mm]gr\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Mgr => Monseigneur name fr
name=`.*[Nn]otre [Dd]ame.*` Notre-Dame name fr
name=`.* [Pp]dt\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Pdt => Président name fr
name=`.* [Rr]gt\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Rgt => Régiment name fr
)[Ch][Hh]?[Rr][Ii][Ss][Tt][Oo]([Pp][Hh]|[Ff]+)[Ee]? [Cc][Oo][Ll][Ll]?[Oo][MmNn][BbDdTt]?( |$)` Christophe Colomb name fr
)(Paul|Pierre|Hubert|Chris|Michel|André) Benoît( |$)` Benoit name fr
name=`.*[dD]eltaplane.*` sport=free_flying type-tag
name=FIXME Tag à supprimer name
name=TODO Tag à supprimer name
name=Unknown Tag à supprimer name
name=X fixme=* name
name=Inconnu Tag à supprimer name fr
name=fixme fixme=* name
name=no noname=yes name
name=none noname=yes name
name=unknown fixme=* name
name=x fixme=* name
name_1=* alt_name=* tag
name_2=* alt_name=* tag
name_3=* alt_name=* tag
natural=garden leisure=garden value
natural=grass natural=grassland value
natural=islet place=islet value
naturism=* nudism=* tag
network=Vélib network=Vélib’ value
network=Velib' network=Vélib’ value
nudity=* nudism=* or dress_code=nude tag


office=no not:office=yes tag
office=trade_union office=union value
open_air=* outdoor=* tag
operational_status=closed disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=non-operational disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=non_operational disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=out_of_order disused:*=* or such value
outside=* outdoor=* tag


pitch=* sport=* tag
place_of_worship:type=* place_of_worship=* tag
potable=* drinking_water=* tag
pstn=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
pump:type=* pump_mechanism=* tag


ref=no noref=yes ref
ref:insee ref:INSEE ref
ref:SANDRE ref:sandre ref
ref_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
religion=crhistian religion=christian value
religion=juive religion=jewish value
religion=bouddhiste religion=buddhist value
religion=christrian religion=christian value
religion=christians religion=christian value
Avenue|Boulevard|Chemin|Route) .*` Nom de voie à mettre en name= au lieu de ref= ref fr
ref:mérimée ref:mhs ref
reservoir_type=evaporator basin=evaporation value
reservoir_type=sewage man_made=clarifier, basin=aeration or basin=settling value
reservoir_type=tailings man_made=tailings_pond value
road=* highway=* tag
rooftop=yes location=roof value


school=[Ff][Rr]:.* school:FR=* tag FR
school=entrance barrier=entrance or entrance=* value
school:f[Rr] school:FR typo-tag FR
school:FR=[A-Z] school:FR value FR
school:FR=élementaire school:FR=élémentaire value FR
school:FR=elementaire school:FR=élémentaire value FR
school:FR=college school:FR=collège value FR
service=bus (access=no & bus=yes) or highway=busway value
service=busway (access=no & bus=yes) or highway=busway value
service=parking aisle service=parking_aisle typo-tag
service=parkingaisle service=parking_aisle typo-tag
scooter=* moped=* or other tag tag
shelter_type=building building=* value
shelter_type=changing_rooms amenity=dressing_room value
shelter_type=parking building=carport value
shelter_type=parkingq building=carport value
shelter_type=picnic shelter_type=picnic_shelter value
shelter_type=roof building=roof value
shelter_type=shopping_cart amenity=trolley_bay value
shop=boutique shop=clothes or shop=convenience value fr
shop=closed disused:shop=* shop
shop=communication shop=telecommunication shop
shop=discount shop=variety_store or shop=* shop
shop=fashion shop=clothes & clothes=fashion value
shop=fireworks shop=pyrotechnics shop
shop=fixme fixme=* shop
shop=garden shop=garden_centre shop
shop=garden_center shop=garden_centre shop
shop=gardenning shop=garden_centre shop
shop=gifts shop=gift shop
shop=health shop=medical_supply, shop=* or amenity=pharmacy shop
shop=jewellery shop=jewelry shop
shop=lamps shop=lighting shop
shop=market amenity=marketplace value
shop=marketplace amenity=marketplace value
shop=music_instruments shop=musical_instruments shop
shop=news_agent shop=newsagent shop
shop=restaurant amenity=restaurant shop
shop=retail shop=* value
shop=sport shop=sports shop
shower=cold hot_water=no & shower=yes value
shower=hot hot_water=yes & shower=yes value
sign=no signed=no tag
siren:model=* model=* tag
species=palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
species=Palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
species=palm_tree taxon=Arecaceae tag
sport=bicycle sport=cycling value
sport=bowling sport=9pin or sport=10pin value
sport=exercise sport=fitness value
sport=football sport=american_football or sport=australian_football or sport=canadian_football or sport=gaelic_games or sport=soccer tag
sport=gym leisure=sports_centre or leisure=fitness_centre value
sport=hockey sport=field_hockey or sport=ice_hockey tag
sport=horse_riding sport=equestrian or sport=horse_racing value
sport=minigolf sport=miniature_golf value
sport=shooting_range sport=shooting & (leisure=shooting_ground or leisure=pitch) value
sport=ski sport=skiing value
sport=workout sport=fitness value
sports=* sport=* tag
steps=yes highway=steps value
storage=* content=* tag
store=* shop=* tag
street_lamp:type=* light:method=* tag
sub_sea=reef natural=reef value
surface=cement surface=concrete value
swimming_pool=hot_tub leisure=hot_tub value
swimming_pool=paddling_pool leisure=paddling_pool value


telecom=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
telephone=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
toilet=* toilets=* tag
tourism=apartments tourism=apartment value
tourism=no not:tourism=yes tag
tourism=wine_cellar craft=winery, shop=wine or man_made=cellar_entrance value
tourism=yes tourism=* value
tower:type=concrete material=concrete value
tower:type=silo man_made=silo value


unnamed=* noname=yes tag
use=* building:use=* or usage=* tag
utility=cabinet man_made=street_cabinet value
utility=electric utility=power value


voltage=`.*[Kk][Vv]` (Écrire le chiffre en entier) value


waste_basket=* bin=* tag
water=pool leisure=swimming_pool or other tag value
water=swimming_pool leisure=swimming_pool tag
waterway=culvert waterway=* & tunnel=culvert value
waterway=yes waterway=* value
waterway:type=* waterway=* tag
web=* website=* tag
wheechair wheelchair typo-tag
wheel_chair wheelchair typo-tag
women=* female=* tag
wood=eucalypt taxon=Eucalypteae value
wood=palm taxon=Arecaceae value
working=* disused:*=* or abandoned:*=* or opening_hours=* tag


year=* start_date=* tag


zoning=* landuse=* tag