OSM tags for routing/Access restrictions

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Logo. Feature : Default access restrictions
One example for Feature : Default access restrictions
World-wide and country-dependent fallback values that routers may assign to highway types when explicit access data is not present in the data



Tools such as routers need to have some defaults for cases where data is not tagged, but it is unknown whatever any data consumer is using data specified here. But it is possible that someone at least was inspired by data collected here.

The access restrictions in access=*, or allowance if no restriction is implied, concern the legal access and not the practical access in terms of convenience. When legal access exists, but practical access is not, this can either be solved by adding surface, gradient and smoothness tags. This to advise e.g. wheelchairs, racing bikes etc. and routing algorithms not to use bad, unpaved, soft and steep paths.

Note that explicit tagging of access repeating what following tables imply may be still useful. For example bare highway=path may mean either "surveyed and all defaults apply" or "mapped from LIDAR, not surveyed, may be private". In contrast highway=path + foot=yes + bicycle=yes is more clear what is its meaning. The (sometimes changing) values in the tables below are not a reason to omit explicit tagging on ways in OSM and are also not a reason to remove existing tagging from ways.

This page documents what some mappers consider to be correct fallback behavior in a routing engine and could be considered a proposed specification. However, no mainstream routing engine uses this page directly to influence routing behavior.

The developer of a routing engine used by multiple apps pointed out (see also here) that the concept described in the tables below creates confusion by mixing two independent questions:

  1. what is the legal access if an OSM way has no access tags ?
  2. what is the legal access if a (real world) way is not signposted ?

Yet another type of question sometimes referring to these tables is:

3. Which combinations of highway and access tags are so obvious that the access-tag must be considered needless and should be omitted / removed from the OSM-database (which access-tags apply by definition)?

Looking at the values in the tables below confirms this notion of confusion with defaults; for instance: as described with the values for the Netherlands, many of these values are often neither an accurate description of how to tag a way that is not signposted in the real world, nor are they an accurate prediction of the most probable tags to use as a fallback when access is not explicitly tagged on a way in OSM.

Data users can have valid reasons to use other fallback values than the values in the tables below. For instance: in some area's the legal default access (when a way in the real world is not signposted) is access=permissive , but most ways actually have signs prohibiting cycling. In such cases a conservative routing profile may very well use bicycle=no as fallback option (routing default) when ways in OSM are not tagged for access, while a more optimistic profile may at the same time use bicycle=permissive as default routing value (or a simplified value such as bicycle=yes such as in the tables below).

Confusion about the status of default values has in the past lead to deliberate mechanical edits deleting valid access data from OSM on thousands of ways and to many smaller (unconscious) deletions as a result of faulty (now changed) validator rules missing nuances on tagging of both access=* and highway=*.

Tools using this information

As per 2024, no mainstream routing engine is known to use this page directly to influence routing behavior.

Routers are known however to use other default values than the values below and to treat ways without explicit access-tags (that are assumed to be default in this wiki) different than ways with such explicit tags. See the section below.

Examples of routers that use other defaults than the tables in this wiki

Each routing engine specifies fallback behavior for access restrictions in its own codebase. Most routing engines express these fallbacks in routing profiles with the possibility for customization by library consumers, client applications, or end users. For reference, here are some links to mainstream routing engines' default profiles that use other default values then the country-specific tables in this wiki:


Some of the tables below use a simplified form of Key:access :

  • yes - this kind of vehicle is allowed to drive on this kind of road unless tagged otherwise on the individual way (e.g. "motorcar=no").
  • designated - same as yes but this road can optionally be preferred by some of your metrics.
  • no - this kind of vehicle is not allowed to drive on this kind of road unless tagged otherwise on the individual way (e.g. "motorcar=yes").

Other tables below use a less simplified form of Key:access including values such as dismount

See Key:access for the more elaborate way such limits are usually tagged on the individual ways in OSM, including nuances such as permissive instead of yes


Possible default access restrictions for all countries unless otherwise specified.

Note: italic values are inherited from the generic access value (for instance, a specific cycleway with access=destination implies motorcar=destination, not motorcar=no).

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot


no designated designated designated designated designated no no no no


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes










yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no no yes
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated no
footway no no no no no no no no no designated

By country


Roads in Australia use the global access restriction defaults.

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
pedestrian See Australian cycling and foot paths tagging guidelines


Default access restrictions if not tagged on the individual street.

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot inline_skates


yes yes yes yes (1) yes no no no no no



unclassified (9)

residential (9)(10)


yes yes yes yes (1) yes yes yes yes (2) yes (3) yes (3)
living_street destination destination destination destination (1) destination destination yes yes (4) yes yes
service yes yes yes yes (1?) yes yes yes yes yes yes
track (5) (except Tyrol) yes yes yes yes (1?) yes yes yes (6) yes yes yes
track (11) (Tyrol) no no no no no no no yes yes
path no no no no no no no dismount yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no designated no no no
cycleway no no no no no no no designated no yes


no no no no no no no dismount (8) designated yes


  1. Forbidden on Sat 15:00-24:00 and Sun+holidays 0:00-22:00, with exceptions like food or cattle transports. Forbidden at 22:00-05:00 when maximum permissive gross weight exceeds 7.5 t, except for certified low-noise vehicles. See StVO §42 for details.
  2. Should use nearby cycleway (see bicycle=use_sidepath) if present, but road racing bikes are excepted from explicit or implicit bicycle=use_sidepath.
  3. Should use nearby sidewalk (foot=use_sidepath) if present.
  4. highway=living_street also implies oneway:bicycle=no.
  5. Access on tracks is not restricted unless prohibited by some sign or barrier.
  6. On designated forest roads (highway=track + vehicle=forestry), horse=no is also implied due to Forstgesetz §33 Abs. 3.
  7. StVO does not apply to paths. Therefore, other laws such as ABGB §339 or Forstgesetz §33 Abs. 3 are in force which generally do not differentiate between motorized and non-motorized vehicles.
  8. Dismounted cyclists count as pedestrians due to StVO §65 Abs. 1.
  9. bicycle_road=yes ("Fahrradstraße" according to StVO §53 Abs. 1 Z 26 and §67) implies bicycle=designated + vehicle=destination, see thread with subject "Fahrradstraße" in mailing list Talk-AT on May 6, 2015.
  10. highway=residential and less commonly up to highway=primary (example) include "Begegnungszone" (shared space; StVO §2 Abs. 1 Z 2a, §53 Abs. 1 Z 9e-9f, §76c), with same access defaults, see threads with subject “Begegnungszone / Wohnstraße -> living_street?” and “Abstimmung: Wie man Begegnungszonen in Österreicht taggt” in mailing list Talk-AT in Oct 2013.
  11. According to administrative data 80% of what is mapped "track" in Tyrol are forestry use only and therefore generally not available for public vehicular traffic due to clauses in Austrian Forest Act - therefore the default would be "NO". Yet, during late spring/summer/early autumn season, a number of those gets opened for mountain biking, so "NO" is not a good Default. As a matter of fact, a default for bicycle use on tracks in Tyrol cannot be reliably told.


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped agricultural horse bicycle foot
motorway designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) (2) (3)





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) in rural (2) (3)
living_street destination destination destination destination destination destination destination yes yes yes
service destination destination destination destination destination destination destination yes yes yes
pedestrian (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) designated designated
track yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (2) (3)
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) designated no no
cycleway (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) designated (6)
footway (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) yes designated
footway + footway=sidewalk (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) designated designated
footway + footway=crossing no no no no no no no no yes designated
  1. Should use nearby shoulder[1].
  2. Should use nearby cycleway, shoulder, sidewalk or footway if present[2].
  3. Should use nearby sidewalk, footway, cycleway or shoulder if present. If none of them are present, should move by the road edge towards the traffic[3].
  4. Vehicles of road maintenance and municipal services, servicing trade and other organizations located in the pedestrian area (citizens living in this area), belonging to citizens living in the area are allowed only. Moving of vehicles should be safe[4].
  5. Vehicles of road maintenance and municipal services, servicing trade and other organizations located directly at the sidewalks in the absence of other possibilities for entrance are allowed only. Moving of vehicles should be safe[5].
  6. Pedestrians allowed if a sidewalk, a footway or a shoulder are missing[3].


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods=hgv bus taxi agricultural moped mofa horse speed_pedelec bicycle foot
motorway yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no






yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track (proposal) (5) partial partial partial partial partial yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
busway no no no yes no no no no no no no no
path no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no no yes no no yes (1)
cycleway no no no no no no yes (4) yes (4) no yes (4) yes yes (2)
footway no no no no no no no no no no no yes
pedestrian no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no (6) no partial (3) yes


  • designated = yes: There's no reason for a "designated" access tag in Belgium as there is no reason why one has more rights over the other on any of these highway types when different vehicle types have access to a road. "designated" is therefore synonym with "yes". Footways could both be signed with a sign that doesn't show a pedestrian at all, and one that does, so basing a designated tag on traffic signs is also flawed.
  • There's no concept of "hgv", so it's a synonym with "goods"
  • psv is meaningless in Belgium as an access tag and is replaced by bus and taxi.
  1. This assumes a bridleway that doesn't belong to a road. When it does belong to a road it depends on whether there's another place pedestrians can walk.
  2. Cycleways allow pedestrians if there is no parallel path where pedestrians can go; it's safe to assume pedestrians are allowed.
  3. The F103 sign exists with or without a bicycle logo. Add bicycle=yes if such a logo is present. Cyclists are required to ride at walking speed, and possibly dismount if pedestrian traffic is too dense. Access is granted in all situations for anyone walking when pushing one’s bicycle. As a consequence, cycle routers may consider that highway=pedestrian is always a valid road, albeit at a low speed.
  4. There are three classes of "moped": moped class A (mofa=*), moped class B (moped=*) and speed pedelec (speed_pedelec=*).[6] Cycleways may allow any combination of them (including none at all), depending on the signs used, and the road the cycleway belongs to.
  5. On tracks, there are no national restrictions. Although the surface may limit certain vehicle types. Some cities also forbid the usage of tracks for motorcycles and/or quadbikes.
  6. Pedestrian areas are open to residents whose garage door requires to drive within that area, hence motor_vehicle=permit may be used. Some of them may be open to delivery vehicles, usually only on specific hours of the day. As for taxis, Belgian law mandates that access is only granted if the word "TAXI" is written on the sign, and even in that case, it may only be used to board or disembark a passenger, hence taxi=destination.


Default access restrictions according to the (pt) Brazilian Transit Code if not tagged on the individual street.

highway access emergency[br 1] motorcar
agricultural moped[br 2] horse[br 2] bicycle
mofa[br 3]
inline_skates[br 4]
motorway[br 2][br 5] yes yes yes yes yes[br 5][br 6] no[br 7][br 8] no[br 5][br 6] discouraged[br 5][br 8] discouraged[br 5][br 9]
trunk[br 10]
primary[br 10]
secondary[br 10]
tertiary[br 10]
unclassified[br 10]
yes yes yes yes yes[br 6] yes[br 7] yes[br 11] yes[br 8][br 12] yes[br 9]
residential yes yes yes yes yes yes[br 7] yes[br 11] yes[br 12] yes
living_street[br 13] yes yes yes yes[br 13] yes[br 13] yes[br 7] yes[br 11] yes[br 12] yes
service[br 14] destination destination[br 15] destination destination destination destination destination destination destination
track[br 16] destination discouraged[br 17] destination destination destination destination destination destination destination
pedestrian yes discouraged[br 18] no no no no[br 7] no[br 11] dismount[br 19] yes[br 20]
footway yes no[br 21] no no no no[br 7] no[br 11] dismount[br 19] yes[br 20]
cycleway[br 22] yes no[br 21] no no no no[br 7] no[br 11] designated[br 22] no[br 23]
bridleway[br 24] yes no[br 21] no no no no[br 7] designated yes[br 24] yes[br 24]
path[br 25] yes no[br 21] no no no no[br 7] no[br 11] yes[br 25] yes[br 25]
  1. According to Transit Code in Article 29, emergency vehicles in service (with siren lights turned on) have priority and have livre circulação (free movement). This expression also applied to regular vehicles on highways and is not understood by Brazilian jurists as meaning legal permission to use any kind of way in any situation at will. Using ways not meant for regular vehicles is discouraged by authorities and considered by emergency workers only if required by the circumstances.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Transit Code in Annex I allows the following correspondences:
    • Ciclomotor (moped): a low powered motorcycle capable of 50 km/h; distinct from a low powered bicycle (mofa)
    • Charrete (carriage): an animal-powered vehicle for passenger transport; most Brazilian jurists consider montaria (horse riding) a particular case
    • Via de trânsito rápido (urban motorway): urban controlled-access freeway, with no at-grade intersections, no direct access to properties and no at-grade pedestrian crossings
  3. According to the National Transit Council in Resolution 465, low powered bicycles (mofa) capable of 25 km/h are subject to the same rules of regular bicycles.
  4. Inline skates and skateboards are absent in national law, so they are considered pedestrians. Some municipalities allow them on cycleways.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Motorways are designed for high-speed motorized traffic by definition.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 According to the National Transit Council in Resolution 587, licensed agricultural vehicles within certain specifications are allowed on rodovias (paved rural highways). No national law generally prohibits them on vias de trânsito rápido (urban motorway). [1] However, according to the Transit Code in Article 62 and the Transit Code in Article 219, vehicles must be capable of driving at half the speed limit (maxspeed=* or maxspeed:agricultural=*). In practice, this restricts agricultural vehicle access to most motorways.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 According to the Transit Code in Article 57, ciclomotores (moped) are subject to the rules that apply to motorcycles but are remarkably forbidden on vias de trânsito rápido (urban motorway)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 According to the Transit Code in Annex I, ciclo is a vehicle category that includes bicycle and moped (ciclomotores). According to the Transit Code in Article 244, ciclos are forbidden on vias de trânsito rápido (urban motorway) and rodovias (paved rural highways) except when they provide a shoulder. Shoulders are common in motorways (urban or not) but may be missing in less important rural highways. While cycling on high-speed highways is technically legal and rarely restricted by signage, traffic authorities at various highway management agencies have repeatedly publicly discouraged doing so due to the inherent danger, sometimes even when a shoulder offers minimal safety.
  9. 9.0 9.1 According to the Transit Code in Article 68, pedestrians may walk against vehicles even in paved rural highways without a shoulder. The law mentions this is forbidden in dangerous situations, without specifying them. Since bicycles are forbidden when a shoulder is absent, it could be argued that its absence represents a dangerous situation.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Most types of motorized highways are not assigned any official national/administrative class by the Brazilian community, thus they are generally considered public roads/streets and have no special access restrictions other than present signage. Some restrictions apply outside urban areas, but it is not related to highway class in OSM.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 According to the Transit Code in Article 52, animal-powered traffic carrying either cargo or passengers is subject to the rules of motorized traffic.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 According to the Transit Code in Article 58, bicycles can ride on the sides of the motorized tracks of all public ways, except when a parallel separate cycleway is present, in which case the main way should have bicycle=use_sidepath.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Living streets are absent in national law. Municipal law may define some streets as  shared space, but currently none restrict the passage of any kind of vehicle, leaving restrictions to present signage. Some municipalities confusingly use shared space to refer to shared bicycle lanes on motorized tracks or to paths that combine pedestrians and cyclists, none of which correspond to the concept of  living street (shared space between pedestrians, cyclists and motorized vehicles). Some believe that all Brazilian streets are in practice living streets, but motorists are liable only if a pedestrian has strictly followed the law, as stated in the Transit Code in Article 29(2). According to Transit Code in Chapter IV and the Transit Code in Article 254, pedestrians and cyclists have right of way if moving on the borders of motorized tracks when a sidewalk is unavailable or unusable, and when crossing on marked crossings or on traffic lights (they may cross at other points but do not have right of way and may be liable in some circumstances), leaving most of the area of motorized ways of any kind under right of way for motorized vehicles.
  14. Service ways are usually for access to amenities open for customers, thus usually not intended for passing public traffic. Access is not forbidden by law unless a barrier (such as a fence or wall) or signage is present. Segregated busways should be tagged with service=driveway+access=no+emergency=yes and either psv=designated if taxis and minibuses are allowed, or bus=designated otherwise.
  15. Service ways usually occur inside gated private properties. When that's not the case, add emergency=discouraged.
  16. Tracks are usually located in private rural properties or forests managed by the government, usually not intended for passing public traffic, even for agricultural or forestry purposes (access=agricultural;forestry) or using agricultural vehicles (agricultural=*). Accidental access is usually not punished when no barrier (such as a fence or wall) and no signage is present to indicate that the way is privately owned.
  17. Tracks usually occur in areas without any barriers to access (farms, open nature). When they occur in areas managed by the government (forests) restricted by a barrier, add emergency=destination.
  18. Usually wide enough for emergency vehicles.
  19. 19.0 19.1 According to Transit Code in Article 68, cyclists are considered pedestrians when pushing instead of riding, thus dismounted bicycles are always allowed on ways intended for pedestrians.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Foot ways and pedestrian ways are mostly not signed, thus not designated. They are implicit from signs forbidding motorized vehicles or various types of construction and context.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Rarely wide enough for emergency vehicles, should be tagged with emergency=destination when it is physically possible.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Since pedestrian ways are usually not signed, cycleways only exist legally when signage is present. In parks, according to the definition of logradouro público (public place) in the Transit Code in Annex I, unless signage is present, the space is primarily intended for pedestrians and not for vehicles of any kind, and according to the Transit Code in Article 96, bicycles are considered vehicles, thus forbidden except if dismounted.
  23. According to the definitions of cycleway and cycle lane in the Transit Code in Annex I, cycleways are exclusive to bicycles, thus pedestrians cannot use them by default. Allowed pedestrian access should be represented by adding foot=designated when indicated by signs or foot=yes when allowed by municipal law.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Bridleways are absent in national law and very rare, so restrictions only apply if signage is present. Not the same as horse racing tracks, which are more common and should be tagged with leisure=track+sport=equestrian;horse_racing.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Intentional footways are designated by the planner/maintainer, and highway=path should be used when the intention is not clear (eg. it is an unofficial, unmaintained trail) or when the path is used for more than one equally important function (except when combined with cycleways). In these cases, restrictions for each type of vehicle should be explicitly tagged.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle (1) goods hgv psv moped


electric_bicycle (1) horse bicycle (1) foot


yes designated yes(2) designated designated designated no no no no no


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes(3) yes(3) yes(3) yes(3) yes(3)










yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian yes no no no no no no yes (4) no yes (4) designated
path yes no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes
bridleway (5) no no no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway yes no no no no no no yes (6) no designated no
footway yes no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Same for motor-tricycle/electric-tricycle/tricycle.
  2. Motorcycles are allowed on motorways only if their speed can reach at least 60km/h.
  3. Some trunk roads (e.g. 快速路 expressway) are motor vehicles only.
  4. Most pedestrian may allow non-motorized bicycles.
  5. There's no a bridleway in public highway system.
  6. most cycleway in China is for non-motorized vehicle, such as bicycle, e-bike and e-mofa, but some cycleway is for bicycle only.


Default access restrictions according to the Danish traffic regulations ("Færdselsloven" and "Bekendtgørelse om Vejafmærkning")

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway designated designated designated designated designated no no no no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes no no no no






yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track (3) no(4) no(4) no(4) no(4) no(4) no(4) (5) yes(7) yes(7)
path (3) no no no no no no(4) (5) yes(6)(7) yes(7)
bridleway no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no(1) no designated yes(2)


no no no no no no no no designated
  1. The regulations distinguish between mofa ("lille knallert") having a maximum speed of 30 km/h and moped ("stor knallert") having a maximum speed of 45 km/h. Mofas are allowed on cycleways.
  2. Pedestrians may only use cycleways if there are no adjacent footways. For routing purposes it is safe to assume that pedestrian access is permitted.
  3. Rules for 'path' and 'track' based on regulations for access to forests and countryside (Vejledning om adgangsreglerne)
  4. Motor vehicles including mopeds and mofas are not allowed in forests. Motor vehicles are allowed on tracks and paths in the countryside if the track or path appears suitable for the type of vehicle. The landowner may however prohibit motorized access using signs.
  5. Horses are not allowed in privately owned forests unless the owner has explicitly permitted horse riding. In state owned forests horses are allowed on paved tracks and on unpaved tracks wider than 2.5 meter. In the countryside horses are allowed on suitable tracks and paths.
  6. Cycling is allowed on paths that appear suitable for normal bicycles.
  7. Access to private forests is only permitted between 6:00 and sunset.


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot


yes yes yes yes yes no no no no






yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
path no tbd (2) no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no no designated no
footway no no no no no no no no designated
pedestrian destination (1) destination (1) destination (1) destination (1) destination (1) destination (1) destination (1) yes (1) designated
  1. Their speed is limited to pedestrian speed
  2. to be defined (law is unclear)


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway designated designated designated designated designated no no no no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track yes (5) yes (5) yes (5) yes (5) yes (5) yes (5) yes yes yes
path private private private private private private (1) yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no yes (2) no designated yes (3)
footway no no no no no no no no designated
pedestrian (4) no no no no no no yes designated

Some trunk roads ban pedestrians and cyclists but they are individually tagged.

  1. Horses not allowed on any designated footways or cycleways.
  2. Allowed only when additional sign "Sallittu mopoille" is present.
  3. Should use nearby footway if present. Most often is specifically designated for both, though, and tagged as such. If only a cycleway is present next to a road without sidewalks (never seen such a case), pedestrians "should" use the cycleway.
  4. Legal pedestrian road ("kävelykatu", liikennemerkki nr. 575) allows motorcars when it's the only way to premises - other roads tagged as pedestrian can allow with extra signs and might be off limits to cyclists. The local default for tagging has not been agreed upon.
  5. For privately owned tracks, only non-continous use and up to minor wear allowed without permission or participation in the road costs. In addition, may be restricted by the private road owner but it is not possible to restrict access if the road has been subsidiced recently with (a particular form of) public funding.


Default access restrictions if not tagged on the individual street.

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped mofa horse bicycle foot
streets with key motorroad=yes
yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
service yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
path no no no no no no yes (1) yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no yes (2) no designated no
no no no no no no no no dismount (3) designated
track (proposal) destination destination destination destination destination destination destination yes yes yes
  1. Only with bicycle=designated in extra urban areas. ( StVO §2.4: Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften dürfen Mofas Radwege benutzen. )
  2. Only in extra urban areas. ( StVO §2.4: Außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften dürfen Mofas Radwege benutzen. )
  3. Laut StVO dürfen Fahrräder auf Fußwegen grundsätzlich geschoben werden, wenn damit andere Fußgänger nicht erheblich behindert werden.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
no no no no no no no no no designated
no no no no no no no yes yes yes
no no no no no no no designated yes yes
no no no no no no no no designated yes
no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Motorway (Αυτοκινητόδρομος) indicated by traffic sign Traffic Sign GR - KOK 2009 - PI-27.svg.
  2. Motorroad (Οδός ταχείας κυκλοφορίας) indicated by traffic sign Greek-Road-sign-p26.svg.

Hong Kong

Default access restrictions for Hong Kong. Italic means inherited from parent category.

highway=* access motor_vehicle motorcycle motorcar goods hgv psv share_taxi horse bicycle foot
motorway no designated designated (2) designated designated designated designated no no no no








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no no no yes
path no no no no no no no no yes yes (1) yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no no designated no
footway no no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Bicycles must use a cycleway alongside if present.
  2. Motorcycles are allowed on motorways only if its displacement is at least 125 cc.


Default access restrictions for Hungary.

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot


yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
primary yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no (1) yes yes





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no no yes
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated yes (2)
footway no no no no no no no no dismount (3) designated
  1. Allowed only if there are no alternatives.
  2. Without disturbing the bicycle traffic.
  3. Allowed only if the street is not suitable for cycling, and at < 10 km/h.


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track partial partial partial partial partial partial partial yes yes
path no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway (2) partial partial partial partial partial partial designated partial partial
cycleway no no no no no no no designated yes


no no no no no no no yes designated
  1. 'Bridleway' does not exist as a legal term. They are either on private grounds or signposted. Its also possible that the local government has put down restrictions for an area.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
no no no no no no no no no designated
no no no no no no no yes yes yes
no no no no no no no designated yes yes
no no no no no no no no designated no
no no no no no no no no no designated


Proposed access restrictions. See [2]

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated no
footway no no no no no no no no no designated
pedestrian no no no no no no no no yes designated








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

motorway and other roads with motorroad=yes

no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no


Possible fallback values for data users, based on a particular simplified interpretation of regulations. These values are NOT the legal default access restrictions when a road in the real world is not signposted; these values are also NOT a guide for tagging or a replacement for explicit access tagging on ways in OSM. See further caveats below.

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv tourist_bus bus taxi agricultural[NL 1] moped mofa bicycle hand_cart carriage horse[NL 2] foot minspeed[NL 3]
designated designated designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no no no no 60
designated designated designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no no no no 50
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes[NL 7] yes[NL 7] yes[NL 7] yes none
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes designated[NL 9] none
no dismount[NL 11] no no no no no no yes yes yes no no yes yes none
no no no no[NL 13] no designated no[NL 14] no no no no no no no no none
no no no no no no no no no no no no no designated no[NL 15] none
no dismount[NL 11] no no no no no no dismount[NL 16][NL 11] yes[NL 17] designated no no no yes[NL 15] none
no dismount[NL 11] no no no no no no dismount[NL 11] dismount[NL 11] dismount[NL 11] no no no designated none

Please note that the values above are NOT the legal default access restrictions when a road in the real world is not signposted (besides the blue G-series traffic sign defining a specific legal road type), but possible fallback values for data users based on a particular simplified interpretation of traffic regulations and tagging conventions in the European part of the Netherlands:

Real world access restrictions on ways that are not tagged for access in OSM will often be different than the values depicted in the table above. These values are not a guide for tagging or a replacement for explicit access tagging on ways in OSM. Data users should inform themselves on whether they regard the values in the table above as the most practical and/or safe options for their specific purposes.

Some examples where these values are incorrect or impractical:

Legal basis of access:

  • please note the actual legal default access in the Netherlands (when a way is not signposted in the real world) is not access=yes, but access=permissive, see NL:Toegangsrecht in Nederland (although almost all higher level highway-types -certainly tertiary and up and most residentials - can safely assumed to rather be a form of access=yes -at least for somes modes of transport).

Real world access on ways untagged in OSM is more often than not different from the values abvoe:

  • a highway=track will often be either be a general access=private or have some of permissive access for some modes of transport combined with motor_vehicle=no , access for bicycle is very different between regions and operators.
  • a highway=path will seldom be allowed to be used with a moped of mofa; access for bicycle is very different between regions and operators

Simplification of traffic regulations

  • the actual legal default value for moped, mofa, bicycle, horse & foot is on a carriageway (such as on a residential, tertiary etc. ) is NOT yes but use_sideway ; only when a designated side path is not present these road users may use the carriageway. Most higher level roads have either designated side paths for these road users or prohibitory signs banning them from the carriageway.
  • highway types defined by blue G-series traffic signs that are untagged in OSM can in the real world have additional panels altering access values for some modes of transport

Actual OSM tagging practices are not consistent with road categories in the traffic regulations

using the default values in the tables above will give incorrect results when these highway types are used in OSM on informal ways (based on access law) rather than on formal ways (in the sense of the traffic regulations):

highway=footway is used in OSM for mixed purposes in the Netherlands:

  • (a) formal footways with traffic_sign NL:G7 or sidewalks

but as well for:

highway=bridleway is used in OSM for for mixed purposes in the Netherlands:

  • (a) formal bridleways with traffic_sign NL:G9 , where pedestrians and cyclists are NOT allowed

but as well for:

  1. According to Artikel 22a Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (RVV 1990), traffic rules for agricultural vehicles formally apply to agricultural and forestry tractors, motor carriages with limited speed, and mobile machines ("landbouw- en bosbouwtrekkers, motorrijtuigen met beperkte snelheid en mobiele machines").
  2. Contrary to many other countries, in the Netherlands horses are affected by oneway=* tags, despite not being a vehicle. See Key:oneway#Country-specific_implications.
  3. This refers to minspeed=* in the meaning of minimum vehicle capability. There is no minimum driving speed in the Netherlands.
  4. Motorway ("autosnelweg") indicated by traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord G1.svg.
  5. Motorroad ("autoweg") indicated by traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord G3.svg.
  6. Access on tracks is not restricted unless prohibited by some sign or barrier. Note however that a lot of tracks in forests that having signs for access=no + foot=permissive are not (yet) tagged with access tags.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Horse riders ("ruiters"), carriages ("bespannen wagens"), and hand carts ("onbespannen wagens") are among the road users prohibited by the common traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord C9.svg, but beware such roads currently often lack appropriate tagging with horse=no, carriage=no, and hand_cart=no. Until this is improved, consider avoiding roads tagged with traffic_sign=NL:C9 or traffic_sign=NL:C09.
  8. "Erf" indicated by traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord G5.svg. Can also occur in non-residential areas (e.g. shopping areas).
  9. Pedestrians are allowed to use the entire roadway of a living street.
  10. The regulations define a "rijbaan" as any part of a road that is suitable for driving vehicles ("rijdende voertuigen").
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 According to Artikel 2 Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (RVV 1990), rules for pedestrians apply to dismounted users of motorcycles, mopeds, mofas, or bicycles.
  12. According to Bijlage 1 Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (RVV 1990), traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord F13.svg denotes a "Rijbaan of -strook uitsluitend ten behoeve van lijnbussen" (driving way or lane exclusively for public transport buses).
  13. Traffic sign Nederlands verkeersbord F19.svg denotes a busway that can also be used by trucks. These cases are tagged explicitly with hgv=designated.
  14. Some busways are allowed to be used by taxis. These are tagged explicitly with taxi=yes or taxi=designated.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Artikel 4 Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (RVV 1990) mentions what roads may be used if no footway is available. The listed fallbacks include the cycleway ("fietspad"), but do not include the bridleway ("ruiterpad").
  16. Mopeds ("bromfietsen") are not allowed to use cycleways indicated by the compulsory cycleway sign Nederlands verkeersbord G11.svg, or the optional cycleway sign Nederlands verkeersbord G13.svg. There is a sign that allows both bicycles and mopeds (Nederlands verkeersbord G12a.svg), but in that case moped=designated is tagged explicitly.
  17. Mofas ("snorfietsen" < 25 km/h) must use cycleways indicated by the compulsory cycleway signs Nederlands verkeersbord G11.svg and Nederlands verkeersbord G12a.svg, but are not allowed to use cycleways indicated by the optional cycleway sign Nederlands verkeersbord G13.svg. In the latter case, mofa=no is tagged explicitly.


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway (1)

highway with key motorroad=yes (1)

designated designated designated designated designated no no no no








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
service yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track (3) no no no no no partial yes yes yes
path no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway (2) no no no no no no designated partial partial
cycleway no no no no no no no designated yes


no no no no no no no yes designated
  1. Motorways and motorroads are only for motor vehicles constructed to move at least 40 km/h on flat ground.
  2. 'Bridleway' does not exist as a legal term. They are either on private grounds or signposted. Its also possible that the local government has put down restrictions for an area.
  3. Tracktype 1 and 2 can be considered, but tracks are mostly for agricultural use.


Proposed default access restrictions for Oman. Not endorsed by the Oman OSM community (yet).

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway yes designated designated designated designated designated no no yes (1) no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes







yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no no designated
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no designated yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated designated
footway no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Cycling is allowed in Oman on every road, including motorways.


Default access restrictions for the Philippines according to the Land Transportation and Traffic Code (Republic Act 4136) and supplementing laws (e.g. Limited Access Highway Act).

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods

hgv (1)

psv (2) moped (3) horse bicycle foot
motorway (4)

motorway_link (4)

yes designated designated (3) designated designated no no no no












yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (5) yes (5)
pedestrian no no no no no no no yes yes
path no no no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway (6) no no no no no no designated yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no designated yes
footway no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Philippine traffic law do not make an explicit distinction between heavy and light trucks. The no trucks sign implies a ban on all trucks (except deliveries) unless otherwise specified.
  2. "Public utility vehicles" (PUVs, for hire and/or carrying more that 9 persons), including jeepneys, UV Express (passenger van share taxi), tricycles (motorized rickshaws), and pedicabs. Tricycles and pedicabs are prohibited on expressways; jeepneys can use expressways, but with restrictions such as requiring the passenger door to be completely closed.
  3. Most expressways only allow motorcycles with engine displacement of 400cc (with the exception of the Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway which has a lower limit of 125 cc). Mopeds are treated the same as motorcycles.
  4. While not explicitly mentioned in law, expressways generally allow only vehicles which can attain a top speed of 60 km/h.
  5. Pedestrians are allowed by default on any road that are not a expressway, unless otherwise signed or deemed unsafe. There are no special laws on bicycles, but they can be assumed to follow the same rules as pedestrians.
  6. No laws exist for horse trails.


Recommended default access restrictions for routers in Poland.

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot

highway with key motorroad=yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) yes yes





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
road (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
service yes destination destination destination destination yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no dismount designated
path no no no no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no yes yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated partial (2)
footway no no no no no no no no dismount (4) designated
  1. Forbidden on roads with international ref (E codes)
  2. Allowed only if there are no alternatives, taggable with foot=yes so this default makes sense.
  3. Common rule about routing along highway=road can not be determined, because highway=road is a line which can be a road or not, and if it is a road, it is a road with unknown status. The recommendation is to exclude highway=road from routing or to give such lines the lower status in roads' graph.
  4. Note that cyclists can be allowed on footways in some cases


Default access restrictions if not tagged on the individual street.

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot


designated designated designated designated designated no no no no












yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) yes yes (1) yes
pedestrian destination destination destination no no no no dismount yes
path no no no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway (2) no no no no no yes designated yes yes
cycleway no no no no no designated no designated no
footway no no no no no no no dismount designated
  1. Bicycles and mopeds must use a cycleway if present;
  2. Bridleway doesn't exist as a legal term.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway yes designated designated designated designated designated no no no no
trunk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) (2)





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) (2)
living_street yes destination destination destination destination yes destination destination yes yes
service yes destination destination destination destination yes destination destination yes yes
pedestrian yes (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) yes
path yes no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway yes no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway yes no no no no no yes no designated (4)
footway yes (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) designated
footway + footway=sidewalk yes (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) designated
footway + footway=crossing yes no no no no no no no dismount designated
steps yes (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) designated
road (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
  1. Mopeds and bicycles allowed if a cycleway is missing[7].
  2. Pedestrians allowed if a sidewalk and a footway are missing. Pedestrians, which have large cargo, and people, using whellchair without engine, can use side of carriageway, if their movement along sidewalk or roadside hinder other pedestrians[8].
  3. Vehicles of road's and communal's stuff allowed. Vehicles, which move cargo to objects, which located directly close to footway, allowed, if they use shortest way. Moving of vehicles should be safe[9].
  4. Pedestrians allowed if a sidewalk, a footway and roadside are missing[10].
  5. Common rule about routing along highway=road can not be determined, because highway=road is a line which can be a road or not, and if it is a road, it is a road with unknown status. The recommendation is to exclude highway=road from routing or to give such lines the lower status in roads' graph.


Default access restrictions for Slovakia.

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot


yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
primary yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no (1) yes yes





yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination yes yes
pedestrian no No No No No No No No No yes
path no No No No No No No yes yes yes
bridleway no No No No No No No designated No No
cycleway no No No No No No No No designated No (1)
footway no No No No No No No No No designated
  1. Allowed only if there are no alternatives.


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot

trunk (motorroad = yes)

yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
trunk (no motorroad)






yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (1) yes yes (2)
track yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
path no ¿? no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway no no no no no no no designated no
footway no no no no no no no no designated
pedestrian no no no no no no no yes (3) designated
  1. Only if there is no alternative track. The highway of lowest intensity of traffic must be selected
  2. Use the left side
  3. Their speed is limited to pedestrian speed


highway=* motorcar
motorcycle hgv tourist_bus bus taxi agricultural moped
(moped klass I)
(moped klass II)
bicycle horse foot
motorway or motorroad=yes designated designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no no
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
track yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes (1) yes yes yes
path private dismount (2) private private private private private dismount (2) yes (3) yes yes (4) yes
cycleway no dismount (2) no no no no no dismount (2) yes (3) designated no yes (5)
bridleway no dismount (2) no no no no no dismount (2) dismount (2) dismount (2) designated yes
footway no dismount (2) no no no no no dismount (2) dismount (2) dismount (2) no designated
pedestrian destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) destination (6) yes yes designated
busway or bus lane no no no no designated no no no yes (7) yes (7) no no
  1. Unless prohibited, which is often the case on private tracks. Horses, bicyclists and pedestrians can't be prohibited under normal circumstances.
  2. A dismounted motorcycle, moped, mofa, or bicycle being pushed is considered foot traffic. Refer to the foot column for applicable access restrictions.
  3. If not prohibited by extra sign saying "Ej moped", in which case (2) applies.
  4. Horses not allowed on any designated footways, cycleways or foot- and cycleways.
  5. If there is no footway or sidewalk, pedestrians may use the cycleway or roadway.
  6. A pedestrian road ("gågata") disallows any motor vehicles except to cross the road or for access to places along the road.
  7. If the lane or road is designated for buses, then bicycles and mofa are also allowed if the lane is on the right (and the way as such does not prohibit bicycles/mofas, like a motorway).


highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped mofa horse bicycle inline_skates (6) foot
motorway designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no no
trunk designated designated designated designated designated no no no no no no








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (7) yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no No (1) yes yes
path no no no no no no No (5) yes yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no designated No (2) No (2) No (2)
cycleway no no no no no no yes (2) No (3) designated yes No (4)
footway no no no no no no no No (2) No (2) yes designated
  1. (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_21/a22c.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_21/a22c.html
  2. (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_21/a33.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_21/a33.html
  3. (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_01/a43.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_01/a43.html
  4. Pedestrians allowed if a sidewalk or a foot way is missing (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_11/a40.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_11/a40.html
  5. tbd
  6. Swiss road regulations have a seperate category for inline skates, skates, kick boards and similar devices: "fahrzeugähnliche Geräte". (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_11/a1.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_11/a1.html
  7. If a side walk is present it has to be used, except in residential zones with a speed limit of 30 km/h or on living streets (de) http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_11/a50.html, (fr) http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/741_11/a50.html


Default access restrictions for Thailand based on the interpretation of the Road Traffic Act, 1979.

highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped (1) horse bicycle foot
motorway yes designated no designated designated designated no no no no











living_street (4)


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (3) yes (2)
pedestrian no no no no no no no no yes yes
path no no yes no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway (5) no no no no no no no designated yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated yes
footway no no no no no no no no dismount (6) designated
steps no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Mopeds are treated the same as motorcycles.
  2. Pedestrians are allowed by default on any road that is not a motorway unless signed otherwise.
  3. There are no special laws on bicycles, but they can be assumed to follow the same rules as pedestrians.
  4. There is currently no legislation granting lower speed limits and pedestrians the right of way over other road users in residential areas.
  5. No laws exist for horse trails.
  6. Cyclists should not drive on the pavement without reasonable justification and are encouraged to dismount on other footways.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway yes designated designated designated designated designated no(1) no no(1) no(1)
trunk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes







yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no no yes
path no no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway no no no no no no no destination no yes
cycleway no no no no no no no no designated (2)
footway no no no no no no no no no designated
  1. Only if no other alternatives are present, "yes".
  2. If the signs "footway" and "cycleway" are posted together, or if there is no warning "no foot", foots can use cycleways.


highway=* access motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot

trunk with motorroad=yes

yes designated designated designated designated designated no no no no








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street yes destination destination destination destination yes destination destination destination yes
service yes destination destination destination destination yes destination destination destination yes
pedestrian yes no no no no no no no dismount yes
path yes no no no no no no yes yes yes
bridleway yes no no no no no no designated no no
cycleway yes no no no no no no no designated no
footway yes no no no no no no no dismount designated
steps yes no no no no no no no no designated

United Kingdom

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway yes yes yes yes yes no no no no






yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
living_street yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
path no no no no no no yes* yes* yes*
bridleway no no no no no no yes yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no yes yes
footway no no no no no no no no yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no no yes

* : The United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines state that highway=path, when used it the UK, implies "a generic narrow path that is used in conjunction with access tags". This makes the default "yes" assumption dubious.

The legal status of cycles on public rights of way in England and Wales is disputed. On pavements, it is illegal to cycle unless designated (hence not a default setting here) but on public footpaths the law is less clear.

In Scotland, there is a right of access by any non-motorised transport (including foot, bicycle and horse) just about everywhere (except for some specific exclusions).

It appears that it would be better to not assume access on highway=service without explicit access tags[11]

Note: access restrictions across the United Kingdom are NOT uniform, see this note

United States of America

Note: Regulations vary significantly by state.

highway=* motorcar motorcycle goods hgv psv moped horse bicycle foot
motorway yes yes yes yes yes no no no no








yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
pedestrian no no no no no no no yes yes
path no no no no no yes yes yes yes
bridleway (1) no no no no no no designated yes yes
cycleway no no no no no no no Designated yes
footway no no no no no no no no Designated
  1. I couldn't find any specific laws regarding non-horse use of horse trails. They don't seem to be an official designation of the national gov't.

See Also

  • Default is an inactive proposal intended to set default access restrictions by area (country, state...).


  1. 158.1
    Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles or animals (cattle) and horseback riders are prohibited:...guide animals on public roads with improved surface outside built-up areas;

  2. 148
    Traffic on cycles must be carried out on a cycle path, if none is provided — on the shoulder, pavement or footpath without impeding safe traffic of pedestrians...

  3. 3.0 3.1

    A pedestrian is obliged to:...walk on a sidewalk, pedestrian or cycle track, and if none is provided — on shoulders.
    If none of the mentioned road elements is provided or it is impossible for pedestrians to use them, it is allowed that pedestrians walk on the carriageway close to its edge, opposite to the direction of traffic of vehicles.

  4. 134

  5. 84
    The movement of vehicles on ... footpaths ... is allowed for vehicles of road maintenance service and communal service, motor vehicles with oblique white stripe on the sides, as well as for other vehicles servicing trade and other organizations located directly at the ... sidewalks, ... footpaths, ... in the absence of other possibilities for entrance. In doing so the traffic safety must be ensured.

  6. Article 2.17 Traffic Law: NL FR
  7. 23.3
    двигаться по дороге при наличии рядом велосипедной дорожки;

  8. 4.1.
    Пешеходы должны двигаться по тротуарам или пешеходным дорожкам, а при их отсутствии — по обочинам. Пешеходы, перевозящие или переносящие громоздкие предметы, а также лица, передвигающиеся в инвалидных колясках без двигателя, могут двигаться по краю проезжей части, если их движение по тротуарам или обочинам создает помехи для других пешеходов

  9. 9.9
    Допускается движение машин дорожно-эксплуатационных и коммунальных служб, а также подъезд по кратчайшему пути транспортных средств, подвозящих грузы к торговым и другим предприятиям и объектам, расположенным непосредственно у обочин, тротуаров или пешеходных дорожек, при отсутствии других возможностей подъезда. При этом должна быть обеспечена безопасность движения.

  10. 4.1.
    При отсутствии тротуаров, пешеходных дорожек или обочин, а также в случае невозможности двигаться по ним пешеходы могут двигаться по велосипедной дорожке или идти в один ряд по краю проезжей части (на дорогах с разделительной полосой — по внешнему краю проезжей части).

  11. https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2860855 https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/389#issuecomment-938573960