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key / key=value
key / key=value
class only_for count


Area area typo-tag


Fixme fixme typo-tag


Layer layer typo-tag


Name name typo-tag
Nom name tag
Note note typo-tag
name=`.*[dD]eltaplane.*` sport=free_flying type-tag


Ref ref ref


School:FR school:FR typo-tag FR
Shop shop typo-tag FR
Source source typo-tag
species=palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
species=Palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
species=palm_tree taxon=Arecaceae tag


Type type typo-tag


Width width typo-tag


abbr_name=* short_name=* tag
access=designated access=yes, bicycle=designated, hgv=designated or similar tags value
access=official access=yes, bicycle=designated, hgv=designated or similar tags value
access=public access=yes value
access=restricted access=private, access=agricultural, access=forestry value
administrative=boundary boundary=administrative tag
admin_level=`\D.*` admin_level=[1-10] value name ?
aera area typo-tag
altitude ele=* tag
amenity=College amenity=college value
amenity=Collège amenity=school, school:FR=collège value fr
amenity=Décheterie amenity=recycling, network=Déchèterie value
amenity=Ecole amenity=school, school:FR=élémentaire value FR
amenity=`Ecole .*` amenity=school, school:FR=élémentaire, name=École * value FR
amenity=`Eglise.*` amenity=place_of_worship, religion=christian, name=Église * value fr
amenity=Lycée amenity=school, school:FR=lycée value FR
amenity=`Lycée .*` amenity=school, school:FR=lycée, name=Lycée * value FR
amenity=Mairie amenity=townhall value fr
amenity=Pharmacie amenity=pharmacy value fr
amenity=Pharmacy amenity=pharmacy value
amenity=Public building office=government or other tag value
amenity=Pompe essence 24h/24 amenity=fuel, opening_hours=24/7 value
amenity=bts man_made=tower & tower:type=communication value
amenity=cemetery landuse=cemetery value
amenity=changing_room amenity=dressing_room value
amenity=club amenity=community_centre & community_centre=club_home value
amenity=construction landuse=construction value
amenity=disused disused:amenity=* value
amenity=financial_advice office=financial_advisor value
amenity=first_aid emergency=first_aid or emergency=first_aid_kit value
amenity=fixme fixme=* value
amenity=fraternity office=association, club=* or other tag value
amenity=garden leisure=garden value
amenity=garages landuse=garages value
amenity=gym leisure=fitness_centre or leisure=sports_centre value
amenity=health_centre Healthcare value
amenity=healthcare Healthcare value
amenity=lifeboat_station emergency=water_rescue value
amenity=market amenity=marketplace value
amenity=mountain_rescue emergency=mountain_rescue value
amenity=nursing_home amenity=social_facility & social_facility=nursing_home value
amenity=office office=* value
amenity=public_building office=government or other tag value
amenity=public_facility office=government or other tag value
amenity=register_office office=government & government=register value
amenity=rescue_station emergency=mountain_rescue, emergency=water_rescue, emergency=air_rescue_service or other tag value
amenity=retirement_home amenity=social_facility & social_facility=group_home & social_facility:for=senior value
amenity=self_storage shop=storage_rental value
amenity=shop shop=* value
amenity=sports_centre leisure=sports_centre value
amenity=spa (shop=beauty & beauty=spa) or (amenity=public_bath & bath:type=thermal) value
amenity=storage shop=storage_rental value
amenity=store shop=* value
amenity=toilet amenity=toilets value
amenity=trailer_park tourism=caravan_site or (landuse=residential & residential=trailer_park) value
amenity=tutoring office=tutoring value
amenity=vacant Lifecycle prefix value
amenity=water amenity=drinking_water, amenity=watering_place value
amenity=yes amenity=* value
amenity=yacht_club club=sailing value
amenity_1=* amenity=* tag
animal=wellness shop=pet_grooming value


basin=waste_water basin=aeration or basin=settling value
basin=wastewater basin=aeration or basin=settling value
bath:open_air=* outdoor=* tag
boundarie boundary typo-tag
bounddary boundary typo-tag
boundry boundary typo-tag
boundary=admnistrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
boundary=adminstrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
boundary=adiministrative boundary=administrative typo-tag
brand=renault brand=Renault typo-tag
building=abandoned building=* & abandoned=yes value
building=collapsed demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=damaged demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=destroyed demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=disused building=* & disused=yes value
building=entrance entrance=* value
building=fixme building=yes value
building=government_office building=office & office=government value
building=plot place=plot value
building=public_building building=public value
building=ruin demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building=ruined demolished:building=* or ruined:building=* value
building:age=* start_date=* tag
building:level=* building:levels=* typo-tag
building:type=* building=* tag
building:usage=* building:use=* tag
building_type=* building=* tag


canal=irrigation usage=irrigation value
clothes=bridal clothes=wedding value
clothes=lingerie clothes=underwear value
clothes=unisexs clothes=unisex value
code INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_insee ref:INSEE ref
coe_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
code_postal addr:postcode tag
communication=mobile_phone communication:mobile_phone=yes value
communication=outdoor_dslam telecom=service_device value
communication=pole man_made=utility_pole value
contents=* content=* tag
craft=yes craft=* value
cuisine=bbq cuisine=barbecue value
cuisine=cafe amenity=cafe value
cuisine=fast_food amenity=fast_food value
cuisine=noodles cuisine=noodle value
cuisine=vegan diet:vegan=* value
cuisine=vegetarian diet:vegetarian=* value


demolished=yes demolished:*=* value
designation=private access=private or ownership=private value
destroyed=yes destroyed:*=* value
direction=anti-clockwise direction=anticlockwise value
direction=anti_clockwise direction=anticlockwise value
direction=counterclockwise direction=anticlockwise value
drinkable=* drinking_water=* tag


emergency=dry_riser_inlet emergency=fire_service_inlet & fire_mains=dry value
emergency=lifeboat_station emergency=water_rescue value
emergency=marine_rescue emergency=water_rescue value


fuel_lpg fuel:lpg tag


generator:location=* location=* tag
genus=palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
genus=Palm taxon=Arecaceae tag
genus=palmier taxon=Arecaceae tag
grade=* grades=* or tracktype=* tag


hazard_prone=* hazard=* tag
hazard_type=* hazard=* tag
hazard:type=* hazard=* tag
healthcare=birthing_center healthcare=birthing_centre value
height_ft=* height=* tag
highway=abandoned abandoned:highway=* value
highway=disused disused:highway=* value
historic_name=* old_name=* tag


industrial=gas utility=gas value
industrial=manufacturing man_made=works or industrial=factory value
industrial=works man_made=works or industrial=factory value


junction=roudabout junction=roundabout typo-tag
junction=turnaround junction=roundabout typo-tag


lamp:type=* light:method=* tag
lane lanes typo-tag
landuse=farm landuse=farmland or landuse=farmyard value
landuse=fishfarm landuse=aquaculture value
landuse=garden leisure=garden value
landuse=park leisure=park value
landuse=school landuse=education value
landuse=yes landuse=* value
leisure=arena leisure=stadium or leisure=pitch value
leisure=bleacher leisure=bleachers value
leisure=club amenity=community_centre & community_centre=club_home value
leisure=common designation=common value
leisure=sport leisure=sports_centre, leisure=sports_hall, leisure=pitch or other tag value
leisure=yes leisure=* value


man_made=fuel_storage_tank man_made=storage_tank& content=fuel value
man_made=MDF telecom=exchange value
man_made=mine man_made=mineshaft or man_made=adit value
man_made=storage man_made=storage_tank, man_made=bunker_silo or similar tags value
man_made=tank man_made=storage_tank or historic=tank value
man_made=wastewater_tank man_made=storage_tank & content=wastewater value
man_made=water_tank man_made=storage_tank & content=water value
man_made=yes man_made=* value
manufacturer:type=* model=* tag
mast:type=* tower:type=* tag
memorial:text=* inscription=* key
memorial:type=* memorial=* tag


na name typo-tag
nam name typo-tag
name_en name:en tag
name_alt alt_name typo-tag
name:botanical genus=*, taxon=* or species=* tag
name:lu name:lb tag LU
name=* (a star) fixme=* value
name=Allée description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Avenue description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Chemin description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Impasse description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Monuments aux Morts name=Monument aux Morts name fr
name=Place description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Route description nom incorrecte name fr
name=Route Nationale description incorrecte name fr
name=Route Départementale description incorrecte name fr
name=Rue description incorrecte name fr
name=`.*1ère .*` Première ou abréviation correcte : 1re name fr
name=`.*1ères .*` Premières ou abréviation correcte : 1res name fr
name=`.*\d+ème .*` Abréviation correcte : 2e, 3e, 4e... name fr
name=`[Bb][aâ]t\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Bât => Bâtiment name fr
name=`.* [Dd]r\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Dr => Docteur name fr
name=`.* [Dd]rs\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Drs => Docteurs name fr
name=`[Ff]b?g\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Fbg/Fg => Faubourg name fr
name=`.* [Gg][eé]n\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Gen => Général name fr
name=`.* [Gg]al\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Gal => Général ou Galerie ? name fr
name=`[Ll]ot\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Lot => Lotissement name fr
name=`.* [Mm]gr\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Mgr => Monseigneur name fr
name=`.*[Nn]otre [Dd]ame.*` Notre-Dame name fr
name=`.* [Pp]dt\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Pdt => Président name fr
name=`.* [Rr]gt\.? .*` Pas d'abréviation: Rgt => Régiment name fr
)[Ch][Hh]?[Rr][Ii][Ss][Tt][Oo]([Pp][Hh]|[Ff]+)[Ee]? [Cc][Oo][Ll][Ll]?[Oo][MmNn][BbDdTt]?( |$)` Christophe Colomb name fr
)(Paul|Pierre|Hubert|Chris|Michel|André) Benoît( |$)` Benoit name fr
name=FIXME Tag à supprimer name
name=TODO Tag à supprimer name
name=Unknown Tag à supprimer name
name=X fixme=* name
name=Inconnu Tag à supprimer name fr
name=fixme fixme=* name
name=no noname=yes name
name=noname noname=yes name
name=unknown fixme=* name
name=x fixme=* name
name_1=* alt_name=* tag
name_2=* alt_name=* tag
name_3=* alt_name=* tag
natural=garden leisure=garden value
natural=grass natural=grassland value
natural=islet place=islet value
naturism=* nudism=* tag
network=Vélib network=Vélib’ value
network=Velib' network=Vélib’ value
noexit=no fixme=* value


office=trade_union office=union value
office=yes office=* value
open_air=* outdoor=* tag
opening_hours=closed Lifecycle prefix (disused:=* or such) value
operational_status=closed disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=non-operational disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=non_operational disused:*=* or such value
operational_status=out_of_order disused:*=* or such value


place_of_worship:type=* place_of_worship=* tag
post_office:type=* post_office=* tag
potable=* drinking_water=* tag
power=cable_distribution_cabinet man_made=street_cabinet & utility=power value
power=station power=generator or power=substation value
power=sub_station power=substation value
pstn=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
pump:type=* pump_mechanism=* tag


ref:insee ref:INSEE ref
ref:INSSEE ref:INSEE ref
ref:SANDRE ref:sandre ref
ref_INSEE ref:INSEE ref
religion=crhistian religion=christian value
religion=juive religion=jewish value
religion=bouddhiste religion=buddhist value
religion=christrian religion=christian value
religion=christians religion=christian value
Avenue|Boulevard|Chemin|Route) .*` Nom de voie à mettre en name= au lieu de ref= ref fr
ref:mérimée ref:mhs ref
reservoir_type=evaporator basin=evaporation value
reservoir_type=sewage man_made=clarifier, basin=aeration or basin=settling value
reservoir_type=tailings man_made=tailings_pond value
road=* highway=* tag
rooftop=yes location=roof value
room=number rooms=* typo-tag


school=[Ff][Rr]:.* school:FR=* tag FR
school=entrance barrier=entrance or entrance=* value
school:f[Rr] school:FR typo-tag FR
school:FR=[A-Z] school:FR value FR
school:FR=élementaire school:FR=élémentaire value FR
school:FR=elementaire school:FR=élémentaire value FR
school:FR=college school:FR=collège value FR
service=bus (access=no & bus=yes) or highway=busway value
service=busway (access=no & bus=yes) or highway=busway value
service=parking aisle service=parking_aisle typo-tag
service=parkingaisle service=parking_aisle typo-tag
scooter=* moped=* or other tag tag
shelter_type=building building=* value
shelter_type=changing_rooms amenity=dressing_room value
shelter_type=parking building=carport value
shelter_type=parkingq building=carport value
shelter_type=picnic shelter_type=picnic_shelter value
shelter_type=roof building=roof value
shelter_type=shopping_cart amenity=trolley_bay value
shop=boutique shop=clothes or shop=convenience value fr
shop=closed disused:shop=* shop
shop=communication shop=telecommunication shop
shop=discount shop=variety_store or shop=* shop
shop=disused disused:shop=* shop
shop=fashion shop=clothes & clothes=fashion value
shop=fireworks shop=pyrotechnics shop
shop=fishmonger shop=seafood value
shop=fixme fixme=* shop
shop=furnace shop=fireplace value
shop=garden shop=garden_centre shop
shop=garden_center shop=garden_centre shop
shop=gardenning shop=garden_centre shop
shop=gifts shop=gift shop
shop=health shop=medical_supply, shop=* or amenity=pharmacy shop
shop=jewellery shop=jewelry shop
shop=lamps shop=lighting shop
shop=market amenity=marketplace value
shop=marketplace amenity=marketplace value
shop=music_instruments shop=musical_instruments shop
shop=news_agent shop=newsagent shop
shop=organic shop=* & organic=yes value
shop=restaurant amenity=restaurant shop
shop=retail shop=* value
shop=sport shop=sports shop
shop=winery shop=wine shop
shower=cold hot_water=no & shower=yes value
shower=hot hot_water=yes & shower=yes value
siren:model=* model=* tag
site_type=* archaeological_site=* tag
sport=bicycle sport=cycling value
sport=bowling sport=9pin or sport=10pin value
sport=diving sport=cliff_diving or sport=scuba_diving value
sport=exercise sport=fitness value
sport=football sport=* value
sport=gym leisure=sports_centre or leisure=fitness_centre value
sport=hockey sport=field_hockey & sport=ice_hockey value
sport=horse_riding sport=equestrian or sport=horse_racing value
sport=minigolf sport=miniature_golf value
sport=shooting_range sport=shooting & (leisure=shooting_ground or leisure=pitch) value
sport=ski sport=skiing value
sport=workout sport=fitness value
sports=* sport=* tag
steps=yes highway=steps value
storage=* content=* tag
store=* shop=* tag
street_cabinet=broadband utility=telecom value
street_cabinet=cable_tv utility=television value
street_cabinet=communications utility=telecom value
street_cabinet=gas utility=gas value
street_cabinet=power utility=power value
street_cabinet=street_lighting utility=street_lighting value
street_cabinet=telecom utility=telecom value
street_cabinet=water utility=water or utility=sewerage value
street_cabinet=water_management utility=water or utility=sewerage value
street_lamp:type=* light:method=* tag
sub_sea=reef natural=reef value
surface=trail surface=unpaved value
surface=cement surface=concrete value
swimming_pool=hot_tub leisure=hot_tub value
swimming_pool=paddling_pool leisure=paddling_pool value


telecom=street_cabinet man_made=street_cabinet & utility=telecom value
telecom=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
telephone=pole man_made=utility_pole & utility=telecom value
toilet=* toilets=* tag
tourism=apartments tourism=apartment value
tourism=wine_cellar craft=winery, shop=wine or man_made=cellar_entrance value
tourism=yes tourism=* value
tower:type=concrete material=concrete value
tower:type=silo man_made=silo value


unnamed=* noname=* tag
use=* building:use=* or usage=* tag
utility=cabinet man_made=street_cabinet value
utility=electric utility=power value


vending=parcel_pickup amenity=parcel_locker value
voltage=`.*[Kk][Vv]` (Écrire le chiffre en entier) value


waste_basket=* bin=* tag
water=pool leisure=swimming_pool or other tag value
waterway=culvert waterway=* & tunnel=culvert value
waterway=wadi waterway=stream or natural=valley value
waterway=yes waterway=* value
waterway:type=* waterway=* tag
web=* website=* tag
wheechair wheelchair typo-tag
wheel chair wheelchair typo-tag
wood=deciduous leaf_cycle=deciduous value
wood=eucalypt taxon=Eucalypteae value
wood=palm taxon=Arecaceae value


year=* start_date=* tag


zoning=* landuse=* tag