Template:Ar:Map Features:highway

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لقراءة المزيد عن الطرق انظر ويكيبيديا

المفتاح القيمة يستخدم كـ وصف شكلة على الخريطة صورة مثال


This group lists the 7 main tags for the road network, from most to least functionally important for motor vehicle traffic.

highway motorway way طريق "سريع" رئيسي مقسم الاتجاهات (مزدوج) يكون عادة مقيد بمخارج ومداخل ، ويكون بمسارين أو أكثر بالإضافة إلى وجود كتف صلب للطوارئ. ويسمى أيضاً بالطريق السريع المزدوج وبالدائري وبالطريق الدولي في بعض الدول وبــ Freeway ، Autobahn، إلخ ..
Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
  • Morgendlicher Berufsverkehr auf der BAB A8 beim Kreuz Stuttgart - panoramio.jpg
highway trunk way طريق "رئيسي" وهو من أهم الطرق في الدول التي لا يوجد بها طرقًا سريعة. (لا يلزم بالضرورة أن يكون طريقًا سريعًا مقسم الاتجاه أي بالامكان أن يكون طريق مفرد إلا أنه بالغالب يكون مقسوم بخط أو رصيف لتأمين حركة المرور .)
Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
  • A55 trunk road looking east - geograph.org.uk - 932668.jpg
  • Cat and Fiddle Road, England
highway primary way طريق "أولي" حسب التقسيم الإداري وهو يأتي بالمرحلة التالية من الأهمية بعد الطريق الرئيسي وكثير من الدول تضعه للربط بين المدن الكبيرة ويستخدم أيضاً لتصنيف الطريق المهم داخل المجمعات السكنية ويكون مفرد بالغالب (أي لا يقسم بين الاتجاهات فاصل)
Rendering-highway primary neutral.png
  • Hunsrückhöhenstraße, Kappel, Germany
  • Tanami Road, Australia
highway secondary way طريق "ثانوي" حسب التقسيم الإداري أو طريق مهم داخل المجمعات السكنية : وهو أقل أهمية من الطريق الأولي ويستخدم غالبا لربط المدن
Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png
  • L134, Meyenburg, Schwanewede, Germany
  • Vatnsnesvegur, Iceland
highway tertiary way طريق "ثالثي" أقل أهمية من الطريق الثانوي وهو غالباً ما يستخدم للربط بين القرى والهجر وغير ذلك
Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png
  • Bergedorfer Straße, Worpswede, Germany
  • Canol Road, Yukon, Canada
highway unclassified way طرق غير مصنف وهو من أقل الطرق أهمية في شبكات الطرق - أي الطرق الفرعية ذات التصنيف الأقل من الطريق الثالثي ، ولكنها لم توضع بغرض الوصول إلى الممتلكات. (وهي غالباً ما تربط القرى والهجر.)
Rendering-highway unclassified.png
  • Sentiero 00, Cantagallo, Tuscany, Italy
  • Kuskealleen, Vordingborg, Denmark
highway residential way طريق يسلك منطقة عمرانية أو سكنية
Rendering-highway residential.png
  • Taman Ria Terrace.jpg
  • Main Street, Elko, Nevada, USA

Link roads

highway motorway_link way مخرج أو مدخل خاص يسمح بمغادرة أو باقتناء الطريق السيارة دون أن يكون هناك تداخل للسير و تسمح أيضا بالانتقال من طريق سريع إلى آخر دون أن يكون هناك خطر من التعارض
Rendering-highway motorway link.png
A5 exit link to A672, Darmstadt, Germany
highway trunk_link way مخرج أو مدخل خاص يسمح بمغادرة أو باقتناء الطريق الرئيسي
Rendering-highway trunk link.png
A7 / OAL23 interchange, Nesselwang, Germany
highway primary_link way طريق يربط طريقا أوليا
Rendering-highway primary link.png
B20 exit and entrance to Brunn, Fridolfing, Germany
highway secondary_link way طريق يربط طريقا ثانويا
Rendering-highway secondary link.png
highway tertiary_link way طريق يربط طريقا فرعيا ثالثيا وهو أقل أهمية من الطريق الثانوي
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png

Special road types

highway living_street way طريق الحواري السكني ، وهي شوارع سكنية حيث يكون للمشاة أولوية قانونية على السيارات ، وتمشي فيه السيارات بسرعات منخفضة جدًا ويُسمح للأطفال باللعب في الشارع.
Living street osm.png
beginning of a living street with a paving stones surface and some trees and cars parking at the sides
highway service way area طريق خدمي لمبنى أو طريق تسلك للوصول لمجمع خدمات ويمكن وصف الخدمة بالمفتاح أو لموقف السيارات أو محطة للوقود ويكن وصف الخدمات بالمفتاح service=* و يمكن تخصيص من يملك صلاحية الدخول من خلال المفتاح access=*
Rendering-highway service.png
Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - geograph.org.uk - 942796.jpg
highway pedestrian way area طريق مخصص للمشاة
Pedestrian with area osm.png
Cambridge Rd - geograph.org.uk - 1189572.jpg
highway track way طريق غير معبد: وهو مسار يستخدمه من يريد الذهاب داخل الصحراء ويستخدمه أيضاً المزارعين ويكون أحيانا طريقا داخل غابة ولوصف جودة المسار استخدم المفتاح tracktype=*
Rendering-highway track.png
  • Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
  • Asphalt track.jpg
highway bus_guideway way A busway where the vehicle guided by the way (though not a railway) and is not suitable for other traffic. Please note: this is not a normal bus lane, use access=no, psv=yes instead!
Rendering-highway-bus guideway-mapnik.png
Bus track.jpg
highway escape way For runaway truck ramps, runaway truck lanes, emergency escape ramps, or truck arrester beds. It enables vehicles with braking failure to safely stop.
highway raceway way طريق سباق وهو طريق مخصص للسباقات.
Fuji Speedway start-finish.jpg
highway road way طريق بتقسيم إداري مجهول يعين بهاته القيمة إلى أن تتضح المعلومات حوله و يتم حين إذ إستعمال قيمة أخرى.
highway busway way A dedicated roadway for bus rapid transit systems
grade-seperated section of busway outside of station


highway footway way area مسار للمشاة
Rendering-highway footway.png
Footway in Stowupland - geograph.org.uk - 1044849.jpg
highway bridleway way مسار للخيول
Rendering-highway bridleway.png
highway steps way درج
Rendering-highway steps.png
Escalinata del Calvario de Toluca.jpg
highway corridor way For a hallway inside of a building.
HK TST Star House mall corridor interior shop signs Sept-2012.JPG
highway path way مسار لاستعمال غير محدد أو غير مقيد.
Path osm.png
Forest path and trees.jpg
highway via_ferrata way A via ferrata is a route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges in order to increase ease and security for climbers. These via ferrata require equipment : climbing harness, shock absorber and two short lengths of rope, but do not require a long rope as for climbing.
Mauerlaeufer ueberhang.jpg

When sidewalk/crosswalk is tagged as a separate way

footway sidewalk way Sidewalk that runs typically along residential road. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path
Rendering-highway footway.png
200806 Berlin 91sidewalk.jpg
footway crossing way معبر المترجلين، معبر المشاة
Rendering-highway footway.png
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
footway traffic_island way معبر المترجلين، معبر المشاة
Rendering-highway footway.png

When sidewalk (or pavement) is tagged on the main roadway (see Sidewalks)

sidewalk both | left | right | no way Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all
Sidewalk and zebra-crossing.jpg

When cycleway is drawn as its own way (see Bicycle)

highway cycleway way مسار للدراجات
Cycleway osm.png
Separated cycleway with traffic sign

Cycleway tagged on the main roadway or lane (see Bicycle)

cycleway lane way A lane is a route that lies within the roadway
Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
cycleway opposite way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=lane/cycleway:right=lane + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
France road sign C24a-2.svg
cycleway track way A track provides a route that is separated from traffic. In the United States, this term is often used to refer to bike lanes that are separated from lanes for cars by pavement buffers, bollards, parking lanes, and curbs. Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway.
Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
cycleway opposite_track way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=track/cycleway:right=track + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway opposite_share_busway way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane that cyclists are also permitted to use, and which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=share_busway/cycleway:right=share_busway + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg
cycleway shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, there are markings reminding about this. In some places these markings are known as "sharrows" ('sharing arrows') and this is the tag to use for those.
Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg
busway lane way Bus lane on both sides of the road. (See also: Parallel scheme for bus/psv lane tagging lanes:bus=* / lanes:psv=*)
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg

Street parking tagged on the main roadway (see Street parking)

parking:left / :right / :both
(hereafter: parking:side)
lane | street_side | on_kerb | half_on_kerb | shoulder | no | separate | yes way Primary key to record parking along the street. Describes the parking position of parked vehicles in the street.
Darby Street Pre-Shared Space Change.jpg
parking:sideorientation=* parallel | diagonal | perpendicular way To specify the orientation of parked vehicles if there is street parking.

Lifecycle (see also lifecycle prefixes)

highway proposed way للطرقات المخطط تصميمها ولم يبدأ إنشائها. تستعمل مع proposed=* قيمة الطريق المقترحة
highway construction way للطرقات اللتي هي في طور الإنجاز و البناء. تستعمل مع construction=*.
Rendering-highway construction tertiary carto.png
different colours
The T12 link road to Wilmore Road under construction - geograph.org.uk - 4452080.jpg


abutters commercial | industrial | mixed | residential | retail etc. way See Key:abutters for more details.
Microsoft Germany Headquarters Munich.jpg
bicycle_road yes way A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. If residential streets get the status of bicycle roads, normally, by special signs, motor traffic is admitted with limited speed, often only for residents.
bus_bay both | left | right way A bus bay outside the main carriageway for boarding/alighting
change yes | no | not_right | not_left | only_right | only_left way Specify the allowed/forbidden lane changes
Only Only Only (49884679761).jpg
destination <place name of destination> way Destination when following a linear feature
Japanese Road sign (Direction and Lane A).svg
embankment yes | dyke way A dyke or a raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area.
Green River Trail - Desimone Levee 01.jpg
embedded_rails yes | <type of railway> way A highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
ford yes node way الطريق يجتاز مجرى مائي و يحتم على المركبات الدخول للماء
Map feature ford.jpg
ice_road yes way A highway is laid upon frozen water basin, definitely doesn't exist in summer.
Pechora crossing.jpg
incline Number % | ° | up | down node way منحدر و يمكن تواجد شاحنات بطيئة
junction roundabout way closed way طريق دائري يدل على إتجاه واحد oneway=yes و لا يعفي من إستعمال highway=*
2008 03 12 - UMD - Roundabout viewed from Art Soc Bldg 4b.JPG
lanes <number> way عدد المسارات المخصصة في الطريق للأغراض العامة لحركة المرور، للحافلات ...
NLEx 6 Lanes.jpg
lane_markings yes | no way Specifies if a highway has painted markings to indicate the position of the lanes.
lit yes | no nodewayarea Street lighting
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg
maxspeed <number> way Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
motorroad yes | no way node The motorroad tag is used to describe highways that have motorway-like access restrictions but that are not a motorway.
Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
mountain_pass yes node The highest point of a mountain pass.
Mountain pass-8.svg
Mountain pass.jpg
mtb:scale 0-6 way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill).
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
oneway yes | no | reversible way Oneway streets are streets where you are only allowed to drive in one direction.
oneway:bicycle yes | no | way Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
overtaking yes | no | caution | both | forward | backward way Specifying sections of roads where overtaking is legally forbidden. Use overtaking:forward=yes/no/caution and overtaking:backward=yes/no/caution when it depends on driving direction.
parking:lane parallel | diagonal | perpendicular | marked | no_parking | no_stopping | fire_lane. way Deprecated variant to map parking along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
parking:condition free | ticket | disc | residents | customers | private way Deprecated variant to map parking conditions along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
2013.11.01.104926 Parking sign Kilauea Avenue Hilo Hawaii.jpg
passing_places yes way طريق يحتوي على عدة مناطق مجاوزة.
priority forward | backward way Traffic priority for narrow parts of roads, e.g. narrow bridges.
Vienna Convention road sign B6.svg
priority_road designated | yes_unposted | end way Specifying roads signposted as priority roads.
Vienna Convention road sign B3-V1.svg
sac_scale hiking | mountain_hiking | demanding_mountain_hiking | alpine_hiking | demanding_alpine_hiking | difficult_alpine_hiking way Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails.
Adventurous Mountain Hikes (Unsplash).jpg
service alley | driveway | parking_aisle etc. way See Key:service for more details.
Seattle - alley north from S Jackson between Western & 1st - A.jpg
shoulder no | yes | right | both | left way Presence of shoulder in highway
15-05-23-Berlin-Sachsendamm-Tesla-RalfR-N3S 7354.jpg
smoothness excellent | good | intermediate | bad | very_bad | horrible | very_horrible | impassable way area Specifies the physical usability of a way for wheeled vehicles due to surface regularity/flatness. See Key:smoothness for more details.
Jena Track roots.jpg
surface paved | unpaved | asphalt | concrete | paving_stones | sett | cobblestone | metal | wood | compacted | fine_gravel | gravel | pebblestone | plastic | grass_paver | grass | dirt | earth | mud | sand | ground way See Key:surface for more details.
Transportation in Tanzania Traffic problems.JPG
tactile_paving yes | no node way area A paving in the ground to be followed with a blindman's stick.
Tactile paving.jpg
tracktype grade1 | grade2 | grade3 | grade4 | grade5 way To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
Surface grade1.jpg
traffic_calming bump | hump | table | island | cushion | yes | etc. node way تشير للمرافق المخصصة لتهدة حركة المرور.
Ležeći policajac 016.jpg
trail_visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
Trail visibility good.jpg
trailblazed yes | no | poles | cairns | symbols way Applies to highway=*. Describing trail blazing and marking. See Key:trailblazed for more information.
Trail blazing 10.jpg
trailblazed:visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to trailblazed=*. A classification for visibility of trailblazing. See Key:trailblazed:visibility for more information.
turn left | slight_left | through | right | slight_right | merge_to_left | merge_to_right | reverse way The key turn can be used to specify the direction in which a way or a lane will lead.
Zeichen 297 - Richtungspfeile, StVO 1970.svg
width <number> way The width of a feature.
Height demonstration diagram.png
winter_road yes way A highway functions during winter, probably can't be driven in summer.
Anuisk bilibino sever66.jpg

علامات أخرة

highway bus_stop node محطة صغيرة للحافلات. المحطات الكبيرة يرمز إليها بـ amenity=bus_station
Bus stop.12.svg
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
highway crossing node A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
highway cyclist_waiting_aid node Street furniture for cyclists that are intended to make waiting at esp. traffic lights more comfortable.
Cyclist footrest 01 Flickr SDOT Photos.jpg
highway elevator node way An elevator or lift, used to travel vertically, providing passenger and freight access between pathways at different floor levels.
highway emergency_bay node way An area beside a highway where you can safely stop your car in case of breakdown or emergency.
France road sign C8.svg
highway emergency_access_point node علامة رقمية تدل على موقعك في حالة طوارئ و يقع إستعمالها مع ref=الرقم_في_العلامة.
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
highway give_way node علامة ليست لك الاولوية
Give way.jpg
emergency phone node A calling device can be used to tell on your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
Emergency push-button telephone, Warsaw.jpg
highway ladder nodeway A vertical or inclined set of steps or rungs intended for climbing or descending of a person with the help of hands.
Wooden ladder to the small cave, Hurkutstein.jpg
highway milestone node Highway location marker
highway mini_roundabout node طريق دائري صغير
highway motorway_junction node Indicates a junction (UK) or exit (US). ref=* should be set to the exit number or junction identifier. (Some roads – e.g., the A14 – also carry junction numbers, so the tag may be encountered elsewhere despite its name)
Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway passing_place node منطقة مجاوزة للطرقات الضيقة.
highway platform node way area A platform at a bus stop or station.
Rendering-highway railway platform line.png
Bayview trstwy.jpg
highway rest_area node area Place where drivers can leave the road to rest, but not refuel.
Wentworth terrain.jpg
highway services node area محطة وقود و خدمة سيارات (أطعمة، مشروبات أو مرطبات، وقود ...) توجد عادة في الطرقات السيارة.
Mapping Features Motorway service area.jpg
De lucht.jpg
highway speed_camera node رادار أو كاميرا تصوير لمخالفات السرعة.
Speed Camera - geograph.org.uk - 399358.jpg
highway speed_display node A dynamic electronic sign that displays the speed of the passer-by motorist.
Standard radar sign.jpg
highway stop node علامة قف
STOP sign.jpg
highway street_lamp node A street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
highway toll_gantry node A toll gantry is a gantry suspended over a way, usually a motorway, as part of a system of electronic toll collection. For a toll booth with any kind of barrier or booth see: barrier=toll_booth
CR0344eRoad-MM4-TollGantry (29081629762).jpg
highway traffic_mirror node Mirror that reflects the traffic on one road when direct view is blocked.
highway traffic_signals node إشارات المرور، أضواء السير
Rendering-traffic singals.jpg
highway trailhead node Designated place to start on a trail or route
Ancient Lakes Trailhead - panoramio.jpg
highway turning_circle node هي مساحة دائرية و مضخمة في نهاية الطريق، المراد منها تسهيل عملية الإنعطاف للسيارات.
Turning circle.jpg
highway turning_loop node A widened area of a highway with a non-traversable island for turning around, often circular and at the end of a road.
Turning circle - geograph.org.uk - 991834.jpg
highway User Defined node way أنظر Taginfo لترى المزيد من القيم المستعملة.

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