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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway
highway etiketi her türlü yolu belirlemekte kullanılır. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Grup: highways
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may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Belgelenmiş değerler: 69
Durum: approvedPage for proposal

highway=* OpenStreetMap'te yolları belirtmek için kullanılır. OpenStreetMap'de sadece şehirler arası yollar değil, şehir içi yollar, yaya yolları, bisiklet yolları gibi araçların ve yayaların kullandığı bütün yollar haritada gösterilebilir. Yol sistemi İngiliz Yol Sistemi'ne göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu yüzden yolları sınıfı birebir Türkiye için geçerli olmayabilir.

Yol Türleri


Bu etiket otoyol, bisiklet yolu, yaya yolu gibi her tür yol çeşidini haritada göstermek için kullanılır. Daha fazla bilgi için Highways sayfasına gözat. Restrictions kısmına gözatarak araç türü, zaman, ağırlık gibi sebeplerden dolayı yol kısıtlamaları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edin.

Etiket Değer Uygulanabilecek Nesneler Açıklama Haritada Gösterilişi Örnek


Bu yollar haritadaki yol ağını oluşturan en önemli türlerdir. Önem sırasına göre yukarıdan aşağı sıralanmıştır.

highway motorway way Otoyol. İki gidiş, iki gelişin yanı sıra emniyet şeridinin de parçası olduğu en az dört şeritten oluşan yol sistemi ya da otoyol.
Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
20190825 Autostrada A4 w Krakowie 0957 5675 DxO.jpg
highway trunk way Duble yol. İki gidiş, iki geliş şeridinden meydana gelir. Gidiş ve geliş yolları fiziki olarak (refüj gibi) birbirinden ayrı olmak zorunda değildir.
Rendering-highway trunk L3005 MF.png
Dscf0444 600.jpg
highway primary way Anayol. Genellikle şehirleri birbirine bağlayan, duble yol olmayan yollardır.
Rendering-highway primary neutral.png
highway secondary way Yol. Genellikle ilçeleri birbirine bağlayan yollardır.
Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png
highway tertiary way Köy yolu. Küçük ilçeleri ve köyleri birbine bağlayan yollardır.
Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png
OHZ-K28-Bergedorfer Str.jpg
highway unclassified way Mezra/yayla yolu. Mezraları, en küçük yerleşim yerlerini birbirine bağlayan yol türüdür. Bu tür, yolun tanımlanamayan bir yol olduğunu göstermez. Yol türünden emin değilsen, highway=road türünü kullanabilirsin.
Rendering-highway unclassified.png
Highway unclassified-photo.jpg
highway residential way Yerleşim Yeri Yolu. Yerleşim yerleri içerisinde, evleri, mahalleleri birbirine bağlan yollardır.
Rendering-highway residential.png
highway service way area Servis Yolu. Endüstriyel bir alana, endüstriyel araç parkına giden yollar için kullanılır. service=* etiketi ile beraber kullanılarak, yolun ne amaçla kullanıldığı belirtilebilir. access=* etiketi ile yolu kimler kullanabilir ya da kullanamaz belirtilebilir.
Rendering-highway service.png
Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - - 942796.jpg

Bağlantı yolları

highway motorway_link way Otoyol Bağlantı Yolu. The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a motorway from/to a motorway or lower class highway. Normally with the same motorway restrictions.
Rendering-highway motorway link.png
Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway trunk_link way Duble Yol Bağlantı Yolu. The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a trunk road from/to a trunk road or lower class highway.
Rendering-highway trunk link.png
Trunk link.jpg
highway primary_link way Anayol Yolu. The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a primary road from/to a primary road or lower class highway.
Rendering-highway primary link.png
highway secondary_link way İkincil Bağlantı Yolu. The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a secondary road from/to a secondary road or lower class highway.
Rendering-highway secondary link.png
highway tertiary_link way Köy Bağlantı Yolu. The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a tertiary road from/to a tertiary road or lower class highway.
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png

Özel yol türleri

highway living_street way living streets yayaların araçlara göre daha üstün olduğu, çocukların yolda oynamasına normal gözle bakıldığı yollardır. Türkiye'de buna en yakın gelen yol türü sokak olarak düşünülebilir. Fakat, bu tür tam olarak Türkiye'de mevcut olmadığından ötürü kullanılmaması daha uygundur.
Living street osm.png
beginning of a living street with a paving stones surface and some trees and cars parking at the sides
highway pedestrian way area Yaya Yolu. For roads used mainly/exclusively for pedestrians in shopping and some residential areas which may allow access by motorised vehicles only for very limited periods of the day. To create a 'square' or 'plaza' create a closed way and tag as pedestrian and also with area=yes.
Pedestrian with area osm.png
Cambridge Rd - - 1189572.jpg
highway track way Tarım Yolu. Roads for mostly agricultural or forestry uses. To describe the quality of a track, see tracktype=*. Note: Although tracks are often rough with unpaved surfaces, this tag is not describing the quality of a road but its use. Consequently, if you want to tag a general use road, use one of the general highway values instead of track.
Rendering-highway track.png
Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
highway bus_guideway way Otobüs Yolu. A busway where the vehicle guided by the way (though not a railway) and is not suitable for other traffic. Please note: this is not a normal bus lane, use access=no, psv=yes instead!
Rendering-highway-bus guideway-mapnik.png
Bus track.jpg
highway escape way Rampa. For runaway truck ramps, runaway truck lanes, emergency escape ramps, or truck arrester beds. It enables vehicles with braking failure to safely stop.
highway raceway way Araç Yarış Yolu. A course or track for (motor) racing
Fuji Speedway start-finish.jpg
highway road way Bilinmeyen Yol. A road/way/street/motorway/etc. of unknown type. It can stand for anything ranging from a footpath to a motorway. This tag should only be used temporarily until the road/way/etc. has been properly surveyed. If you do know the road type, do not use this value, instead use one of the more specific highway=* values.


highway footway way Yürüyüş Yolu. For designated footpaths; i.e., mainly/exclusively for pedestrians. This includes walking tracks and gravel paths. If bicycles are allowed as well, you can indicate this by adding a bicycle=yes tag. Should not be used for paths where the primary or intended usage is unknown. Use highway=pedestrian for pedestrianised roads in shopping or residential areas and highway=track if it is usable by agricultural or similar vehicles.
Rendering-highway footway.png
A designated footpath.jpg
highway bridleway way At Yolu. For horses. Equivalent to highway=path + horse=designated.
Rendering-highway bridleway.png
highway steps way Merdiven. For flights of steps (stairs) on footways. Use with step_count=* to indicate the number of steps
Rendering-highway steps.png
Escalinata del Calvario de Toluca.jpg
highway path way Patika. A non-specific path. Use highway=footway for paths mainly for walkers, highway=cycleway for one also usable by cyclists, highway=bridleway for ones available to horses as well as walkers and highway=track for ones which is passable by agriculture or similar vehicles.
Path osm.png
Forest path and trees.jpg

Yaya yolu (Sidewalks'a gözat)

sidewalk both / left / right / no way Kaldırım. Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all
Sidewalk and zebra-crossing.jpg

Özel bisiklet yolu (Bicycle'a gözat)

highway cycleway way Özel Bisiklet Yolu. For designated cycleways. Add foot=* only if default-access-restrictions do not apply.
Cycleway osm.png
Separated cycleway with traffic sign

Yolun parçası olan bisiklet yolları (Bicycle'a gözat)

cycleway lane way Bisiklet Şeridi. A lane is a route that lies within the roadway
Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
cycleway opposite way Her İki Yönde Bisiklet Şeridi. Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions. Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way Ters Yönde Bisiklet Şeridi. Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
France road sign C24a-2.svg
cycleway track way Bisiklet Yan Yolu. A track provides a route that is separated from traffic. In the United States, this term is often used to refer to bike lanes that are separated from lanes for cars by pavement buffers, bollards, parking lanes, and curbs. Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway.
Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
cycleway opposite_track way Ters Yönde Bisiklet Yan Yolu. Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow
549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway share_busway way Otobüsle Yolu Paylaşan Bisiklet Yolu. There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway shared_lane way Diğer Araçlarla Yolu Paylaşan Bisiklet Yolu. Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, but there are markings indicating that they should share the lane with motorists.
Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg
busway lane way Otobüs Yolu. Bus lane on both sides of the road.
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg


highway proposed way Planlanmış Yol. For planned roads, use with proposed=* and a value of the proposed highway value.
highway construction way Yapım Aşamasındaki Yol. For roads under construction. Use construction=* to hold the value for the completed road.
Rendering-highway construction tertiary carto.png
The T12 link road to Wilmore Road under construction - - 4452080.jpg


abutters commercial/ industrial/ mixed/ residential/ retail etc. way See Key:abutters for more details.
Apartments at Fujin Street 20141009.jpg
bicycle_road yes way Bisiklet Yolu. A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. If residential streets get the status of bicycle roads, normally, by special signs, motor traffic is admitted with limited speed, often only for residents.
driving_side left/ right node relation Sürüş Yönü. Defines which side of the road vehicles must legally use. (must only be used on highways when they are an exception to the rule)
Drive on left in australia.jpg
ford yes node way Sığ Geçit. The road crosses through stream or river, vehicles must enter any water.
Map feature ford.jpg
ice_road yes way Buz Yolu. A highway is laid upon frozen water basin, definitely doesn't exist in summer.
Pechora crossing.jpg
incline Number %/° node way Eğim. Incline steepness as percents ("5%") or degrees ("20°"). Positive/negative values indicate movement upward/downwards in the direction of the way.
junction roundabout way closed way Dönel Kavşak. This automatically implies oneway=yes, the oneway direction is defined by the sequential ordering of nodes within the Way. This applies on a way, tagged with highway=* already.
2008 03 12 - UMD - Roundabout viewed from Art Soc Bldg 4b.JPG
lanes number way Şerit Sayısı. The number of traffic lanes for general purpose traffic, also for buses and other specific classes of vehicle.
NLEx 6 Lanes.jpg
lit yes/no nodewayarea Işıklandırma. Street lighting
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg
motorroad yes/no way node The motorroad tag is used to describe highways that have motorway-like access restrictions but that are not a motorway.
Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
mountain_pass yes node Geçit. The highest point of a mountain pass.
Mountain pass.jpg
mtb:scale 0-6 way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill).
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
overtaking yes/ no/ both/ forward/ backward way Specifying sections of roads where overtaking is legally forbidden.
parking:condition free/ ticket/ disc/ residents/ customers/ private way Park Durumu. Specifying the parking conditions (terms). See parking:condition=* for more details.
parking:lane parallel/ diagonal/ perpendicular/ marked/ no_parking/ no_stopping/ fire_lane. way Park Yeri. Specifying the parking space. See parking:lane=* for more details.
passing_places yes way Sollama Şeridi. A way which has frequent passing places
sac_scale hiking / mountain_hiking / demanding_mountain_hiking / alpine_hiking / demanding_alpine_hiking / difficult_alpine_hiking way Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails.
Forest path and trees.jpg
service alley / driveway / parking_aisle etc. way Servis Türü. See Key:service for more details.
Seattle - alley north from S Jackson between Western & 1st - A.jpg
surface paved / unpaved / asphalt / concrete / paving_stones / cobblestone / metal / wood / grass_paver / gravel / pebblestone / grass / ground / earth / dirt / mud / sand way Zemin. See Key:surface for more details.
tactile_paving yes / no node way area Hissedilebilir Yüzey. A paving in the ground to be followed with a blindman's stick. Not to be rendered on standard maps.
Tactile paving.jpg
tracktype grade1/ grade2/ grade3/ grade4/ grade5 way To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
Surface grade1.jpg
traffic_calming yes / bump / hump / cushion / table etc. node way Trafiği Yavaşlatma. See Key:traffic calming for more details.
trail_visibility excellent / good / intermediate / bad / horrible / no way Görüş Durumu. Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
winter_road yes way Kış Yolu. A highway functions during winter, probably can't be driven in summer.
Anuisk bilibino sever66.jpg

Other highway features

highway bus_stop node Otobüs Durağı. A small bus stop. Can be mapped more rigorously using public_transport=stop_position for the position where the vehicle stops and public_transport=platform for the place where passengers wait. See public_transport=* for more details.
Bus stop.12.svg
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
highway crossing node Geçit. A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
highway elevator node Asansör. Elevator
highway emergency_access_point node Acil Erişim. Sign number which can be used to define your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
highway give_way node Yol Ver İşareti. A "give way," or "Yield" sign
Give way.jpg
emergency phone node Acil Durum Telefonu. A calling device can be used to tell on your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
Emergency push-button telephone, Warsaw.jpg
highway mini_roundabout node Küçük Dönel Kavşak. Similar to roundabouts, but at the center there is either a painted circle or a fully traversable island. In case of an untraversable center island, junction=roundabout should be used.

Rendered as anti-clockwise by default direction=anticlockwise. To render clockwise add the tag direction=clockwise.

highway motorway_junction node Otoyol Sapağı. Indicates a junction (UK) or exit (US). ref=* should be set to the exit number or junction identifier. (Some roads – e.g., the A14 – also carry junction numbers, so the tag may be encountered elsewhere despite its name)
Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway passing_place node Sollama Yeri. The location of a passing space
highway rest_area node area Dinlenme Alanı. Place where drivers can leave the road to rest, but not refuel.
Wentworth terrain.jpg
highway speed_camera node Radar Kamerası. A fixed road-side or overhead speed camera. [[

Speed Camera - - 399358.jpg|100px|center]]

highway street_lamp node Sokak Lambası. A street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
highway services node area Dinlenme Tesisi. A service station to get food and eat something, often found at motorways
Mapping Features Motorway service area.jpg
De lucht.jpg
highway stop node Dur İşareti. A stop sign
STOP sign.jpg
highway traffic_signals node Trafik Işıkları. Lights that control the traffic
Rendering-traffic singals.jpg
highway turning_circle node Dönüş Alanı. A turning circle is a rounded, widened area usually, but not necessarily, at the end of a road to facilitate easier turning of a vehicle. Also known as a cul de sac.
Turning circle.jpg
highway User Defined node way All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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